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Natalee's POV

As soon as Kyle walked away I fell to my knees. What in the hell had I just agreed to do to cade? Why had I not told Kyle no and just warned cade through our bond?

'Because you're weak... Why didn't you just attack him?'

My wolf was mad at me... That's just perfect...

'You know what he put me through while you were just lying dormant in the wings. I tried to just cut myself out of the whole situation. But I kept healing. I wish I could've just died. Then none of this would have to happen.'

'Well it did. I'm not going to sit here and watch you destroy him.'

As soon as my wolf had said that I felt her presence leave. I was left alone with just me and the silence of the woods. I fell to my side; unable to hold myself up anymore. The tears just kept running down my face, not stopping. I slowly got my strength back. I was able to crawl to a tree and lift myself up; the tears stopping. I started to walk towards my house; everyone was gone. Maybe that meant Cade was too. Hopefully.

I walked up the stairs, I reached my door; fully intending to just lie on my bed and die.

"I was just thinking about you." I jumped. I looked up at him. Just great. "Are you okay?"

"Y yeah. Just tired. Didn't really sleep last night." I stuttered... Fuck... I walked over to my bed and sat down; taking off my shoes and shorts I got into bed. I felt cade get in next to me.

"Before you drift off completely, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight. Zane wants to go to that club in Seattle. He probably already texted Madi about it, so all of us would go." No... But maybe I could just get it over with. And explain later... Damn this...

"Sure. When?" Hopefully later. So I don't look like complete shit.

"Probably nine or ten. Plenty of time to get some sleep." I was barely able to keep my eyes open anymore. I mumbled an okay; letting sleep taking me into the darkness.

~nine fifteen P.M. ~

I woke up before Cade. I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stepped in and let the hot water flow over my body. Everything that had happened earlier came rushing back in pictures like a bad movie. I could feel the tears welling up again; but I shook them away. I got out and did my makeup and hair. I walked out to an empty room; I could hear Cade's car start. I grabbed a red tank top and a pair of shorts; walking to my bed I grabbed a pair of black matching lace underwear and a bra. I quickly put it all on, grabbing a pair of shoes and walking down the stairs. I grabbed my purse and got into Cade's car. We got to the club at about nine thirty. We walked to the front to see everyone standing there talking.

"Took you guys long enough. I started to think responsibly, which means I need drinks and most of all lots of girls." We followed Zane to the door; we were waved in by the bouncer. Zane walked to the bar; he grabbed a platter of shots. Handing us each two; I was defiantly going to need more than this if I was going to be able to pull this off. "Two for everyone. Senor Tequila will help us all get in the mood to party." I smiled a little; I took both shots and grabbed two more. I heard Cade's phone ringing, but I didn't hear what he said before he walked outside. "Whoa there killer. Slow down on the shots. You've already downed six." I looked in front of me. Zane was right, I could feel the buzz. I turned around to see a guy standing behind me, it was now or never. He looked at me, I smiled. He slowly walked over to me.

"Hey there beautiful." He sounded like an Aussie. Even better.

"Hey there yourself." He smiled. And I've got him.

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