In the End

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Cade's POV

I didn't want to move ever again. I could feel the warmth coming off of Natalee's body. She was wrapped in my arms. This girl is so fucking tiny; I feel like she'll break at any second. I smiled to myself and started to drift off again. At least I was... Until the loudest highest pitched sound I have ever heard in my entire damn life started to go office in the room. I sat straight up, covering my ears, surprised they weren't bleeding.

"What the fuck is that noise." No matter how much I pushed my hands into my ears it didn't stop. If anything it got louder.

"The alarm. Come on." Natalee got up and grabbed her shoes. Who the fuck has that sort of alarm go off in the morning? Seriously. I pushed my feet into my boots, heading out the door after Natalee. I walked out to a huge crowd of hung-over, confused, and tired teen wolves.

"5 minutes and 47.2 seconds. Not the best but considering how impaired most of you are it will have to do." I looked up to notice that my dad and mom were standing next to Natalee's parents. A looked around noticing a few people fall over from exhaustion, or just a hangover. What was the point of this? To yell at us for leaving the yard a mess? Joy... I turned my eyes back to the stage where Alpha Ciaran was talking. "Now we have an announcement, after how well you all got along last night we have decided to start training our packs together. We both noticed that our packs train on Tuesday right after dinner at about 6 or 7, so starting this week everyone will report here; each pack will have an instructor." I looked at my dad; I had no issue with it. Everyone else was looking around. But we didn't exactly train hard. Not recently at least. My dad let go of my mom's hand and slowly walked forward, cutting off the chatter.

"Now, from our pack my nephew has returned from college just in time to take back teaching our young. Come on Kyle; don't be shy; not like you are though." I looked to where my cousin was laughing. I had heard from mom that he was coming back. But I didn't think it would be this soon. I smiled, this was awesome. Natalee's dad shook his hand; her dad slowly stepped forward.

"Now, for us we took a very long time looking for someone who fits what we need. Seeing as our other instructors are now old and retired we have decided to pick a young man, who I personally trained when he was standing in your places. He recently just returned from medical school, so he will be not only the pack doctor but a trainer. Eli? Are you here?"

"Sadly. Too bad it's not Tuesday, I would love to see hung-over people run." I groaned. This guy sounded like a major dick, just what we needed. "But hey at least you'll all be nice and rested." I got confused. He sounded nice. Strange. Nat's dad laughed; not good.

"So all of you guys well need to make sure you're rested and you leave your complaints at home. Now, everyone can clean the back yard and the house. My wife is currently in town, you have one hour until she gets home. Good luck."

I groaned. I had no issue cleaning. It didn't bug me; we always cleaned at home. I noticed my cousin Kyle walking towards me.

"Hey man. Long time no see." We hugged, which is not unmanly if it's family. "You're cleaning inside. Thought you should know. I remember your dirt issue; Mr. OCD." He smiled. Good old Kyle.

"I'm not OCD. Just don't like dirt that much. But hey I remember you don't like soda. So we're both strange." We both laughed.

"So I noticed you were standing by a cute girl. Flavor of the week?" Shit. He was talking about nat. I didn't want to tell him about her being my mate yet. So I thought of the next best thing.

"No. she's my girlfriend. Kind of a new thing." He looked surprised.

"Wow. The player gets a girlfriend. Surprising. Is Zane dating too?" I laughed at that. That was hilarious.

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