Die Young

776 15 2

Cade's POV

Well that was fun... I'm pretty damn sure Madi is going to chew my ass out later for upsetting her mate... Joy...

"I'll just leave you two to it then..." As soon as the door shut I couldn't help myself. I lost it. I could hardly breathe from laughing. I looked over at nat. she was smiling, and pretty soon she was laughing too. Her laugh was like bells... Beautiful...

"I think the best thing about this is the look on your brothers' face... It matched yours... Embarrassment..."

As soon as I said that she got this weird look on her face. She looked around the room with a confused and concerned look on her face. She silently mouthed WTF... Cute. I grabbed my glass off her night stand.

"Do you hear that?" she was looking straight at me. I lowered the cup and swallowed the water I had in my mouth.

"Hear what? Laughing?" she glared at me. And she got this extremely freaked out look on her face. It was kind of scary.

"I... I think my wolf is talking to me..."

'My female is awake? I want to see her. See her now.'

'Calm down horny. She's freaking out.'

'Just like you were. You were talking out loud... Doofus...'

'Shut the fuck up...'

"I need to shift. I need to run. Like now." She all but flew off the bed; grabbing clothes off her floor. She was sexy. I got the most amazing view. Which was slowly covered my some pink top thing. "What's up with the smirk? Let's get moving wolf boy."

"I thought you said no nicknames. Besides it's..." I looked around for her clock. 2 o'clock... Seriously? "2 in the morning. Can't it wait?"

She growled at me... And I mean full out growled. Sexy. "I need to run now. With or without you..."

'With most definitely with... Can you imagine if she looks this sexy like this how she'll look like a wolf?'

I rolled my eyes. Horny... Like I said...

"Did you just growl at me?" She glared again... She was getting mad... "As sexy as that is... I guess we can go. It's been a few hours since my wolf's been out." I could feel her eyes on my body as I grabbed my shorts off the ground.

'I want her now...'

'I know the feeling. Did you hear that growl?'

And I shit you not... At the same exact time my wolf and I both said sexy at the same time.

"Do your parents care if we leave? My dad is pretty upset when we just walk out in the middle of the night. Or morning I guess."

"Their probably asleep. We have that pack BBQ in the morning. Both of our packs are having it together. My dad said it's all about trying to be 'closer'."

"Well. We're already close as humanly possible." She was laughing as we reached what I guessed was her back yard. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was radiant.

"So how exactly do I do this? There isn't exactly a book on this." I laughed.

'Don't laugh at her. It took you a few hours to figure it out.'

"Just feel your wolf. She should do it herself. It may hurt a bit. Everyone's different." I shouldn't have said hurt. Because as soon as I did her face got twisted. She was scared. She closed her eyes slowly. While her eyes were shut I shifted flexing my paws in the dirt a bit. As soon as I looked over at her I saw a beautiful light gray wolf standing in front of me.

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