Every Breath You Take

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Natalee's POV

I woke up to warmth on one side of me and ice coldness on the other. I opened my eyes, Cade was laying next me; the wall was what was cold.

I felt myself starting to drift off again when my houses alarm went off; we had it for when our pack house was under attack. We all knew that as soon as it went off to walk out to the back yard. Cade, chad, and Madi all jumped up extremely confused and slightly freaked out. The noise was like a dog whistle; even before someone changed they could hear it.

"What the fuck is that noise?" cade had his hands over his ears.

"The alarm. Come on." We all grabbed our shoes and headed down stairs to the yard. Both of the Alphas and Luna's were standing there. We all walked up to them. Extremely confused.

"5 minutes and 47.2 seconds. Not the best but considering how impaired most of you are it will have to do." He looked around at all of us. A few people were half asleep or holding their heads from the sound. I looked over at where Scarlett and Xavier were standing, or should I say where he was standing. She was on his back; I couldn't help but notice how she was asleep and softly snoring. I rolled my eyes, I looked back at my dad; he was talking. "Now we have an announcement, after how well you all got along last night we have decided to start training our packs together. We both noticed that our packs train on Tuesday right after dinner at about 6 or 7, so starting this week everyone will report here; each pack will have an instructor." We all looked around, a bit surprised. They were handling the pack rivalry thing really well. Alpha Adam walked a bit forward, drawing our attention back to him.

"Now, from our pack my nephew has returned from college just in time to take back teaching our young. Come on Kyle; don't be shy; not like you are though." My head whipped to where the laugh that I used to dream about was; he was leaning against a tree. He had the same look he had on his face the first day we met, a look of boredom and pure sexiness. I started to get light headed all of a sudden, I let go of the breath I hadn't noticed I had been holding. He was here, after 3 years my Kyle was back.

'He is not nor will he ever be our Kyle. That asshole. Why would you even think about him like that? Did you all of sudden forget what he did?'

'No. I haven't forgotten. It was a mental slip. I'm sorry.'

'Just don't do it again.'

I looked at Cade. He looked happy; just perfect. I remember when Kyle and I were together him always telling me about his cousin he called him C. So naturally I never connected it. My dad was talking; he had shaken Kyle's hand; my family had not known what had happened.

"Now, for us we took a very long time looking for someone who fits what we need. Seeing as our other instructors are now old and retired we have decided to pick a young man, who I personally trained when he was standing in your places. He recently just returned from medical school, so he will be not only the pack doctor but a trainer. Eli? Are you here?"

"Sadly. Too bad it's not Tuesday, I would love to see hungover people run." I smiled. He is Xavier's older brother; and a complete sweet heart, once you got to know him. The downside; He is extremely tough, but he was extremely gentle and sweet. "But hey at least you'll all be nice and rested." See, sweet. My dad laughed; then he looked at all of us.

"So all of you guys well need to make sure you're rested and you leave your complaints at home. Now, everyone can clean the back yard and the house. My wife is currently in town, you have one hour until she gets home. Good luck."

We all started grabbing the garbage bags that my uncle was holding. I looked over at my dad he was now holding a list. He was saying names and where they were going to clean. I noticed that cade was heading into the house. I smiled; I hope to god I get to be in there. I do not want to clean up cups that smell like day old alcohol. I walked to my dad.

"Morning dad."

"Good morning Natalee. You will be in the woods. It seems so of our party goers wandered into there and there are quite a few cups and plates in there. I already sent a few people out there."

"Yay... Cleaning the woods." I sulked into the woods. Picking up cups as I went. I mean don't get me wrong I love the woods. But I didn't really want to clean up after other people. I started humming a song. I was walking now. Not really picking up anything.

"You never really did like to clean after these parties. Granted you never really were at them, were you?" I froze, damn it. I whipped around and saw Kyle leaning against a tree. "Granted you never would dance, wear anything like that, or even kiss in public. You've changed Natalee." I couldn't talk. My vocal cords felt like they were covered in ice. He walked closer to me, brushing hair out of my face. "How exactly did you, weak little Natalee, manage to get my cousin to dance with only you? Because last I checked he slept with any girl on two legs." He smiled. I swallowed; my vocal cords finally seemed to work.

"He's my mate..." my voice was barely a whisper.

"He's your what?" I could hear the anger in his voice.

"My mate... we met at a club in Seattle." He started backing me into a tree.

"You. You're the one he has been acting like a fool about. You're the one who has made him a love sick fool?" he looked me up and down. "The girl who could barely keep a conversation going. Last I saw you; you were lying about a mile from here crying your eyes out. All because I didn't want to mate with you." He made me feel like the girl he had left broken.

"He loves me, something you never did. Something you couldn't understand. You and me, that is the past, it made me stronger. I never trusted anyone because of you." I shoved him away; tears were running down my face. "I loved you so much. I was willing to give up a mate I didn't know because of you. But you crushed that girl. And when you pushed me to the ground when you left, you killed the weak little Natalee. Until him I didn't want a mate anymore. Then he showed up, and I am happy for the first time in years." He smirked. I knew that look. It was never good.

"You know what Nat; I like this you, it's better and more improved. So I have a little job for you. I want you to crush my cousin." I started to interrupt him. He held up a finger. "I want you to ignore him, push him away, and go back to your whore ways if you must. But ruin him."

"No, I will never ever hurt him."

"Oh you will. Or I'll kill him. It's simple enough." He smiled.

"You would kill your own cousin? Just because I didn't do what you asked? Are you insane?" he laughed.

"Not insane. And yes I would kill him. After all, your mine, forever and always. Remember?" I felt my face pale. My wolf had been lying in wait the whole time. But she shrank back; terrified. I remembered our promise. But that was before he had cut me down like a tree. "Now, you will do this, or I'll make sure he accidentally gets attacked by a rouge, while he runs in the morning." My throat hurt from the tears that were running down my face. I nodded, I didn't want him to die, but I didn't want to hurt him. "What was that?"

"I... I'll do it. Just don't hurt him." He chuckled, and started to walk away.

"Only if you do what you're told. And just to let you know... I'll be watching you."

A/N: alright, hope you guys liked it. If not oh well. And just an FYI... the comment section is not a complain section...

TTFN... ta ta for now...



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