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Cade's POV

It's been three days since we went to the club. Three mother fucking days since Natalee had fucked me over. Without any remorse or anything; I should've listened to the people at school when they warned me about her. But hindsight is twenty twenty.

I'm in the shower, it's six thirty. Meaning I had to go to school, only plus side is I had gotten ahold of some cheerleaders' number. I think her name was Mya or something. Who knows or cares, I was only using her to make Natalee jealous. The girl I had last night was already gone, her number was on a piece of paper on my pillow. Perfect... not...

I pulled my shirt on right when my phone started to ring.

"What do you want Zane?" I pulled my motorcycle boots on; my mom had gotten me and Chad both a pair for Christmas.

"Tyler's car broke down yesterday and we need a ride. Tyler has muffins his mom made as payment." I laughed when he said that. Tyler's mom was a chef, so her muffins were to die for.

"I guess I can pick you yahoos up. I'll be there in a few."

"You're a great person. It was either you or we walked. And we are both hungover; Tyler barely got dressed. It was hilarious to watch."

"I'm heading out now. See you soon." I hung up and walked out to my car. Tyler and Zane lived next door to each other. When Zane's mom died last year he had started to act out, about six months later Tyler's dad died from an overdose. Zane's dad and Tyler's mom started seeing each other a few months ago. They were both determined that their parents were mates; considering they had never found their mates, they had just settled to get married to people they loved. But their parents are now both very happy.

I pulled up to their houses to see Zane and Tyler both carrying sacks.

"What's up with the paper bags?" they both got in.

"Mom made us lunch. Told us not to look until lunch." Tyler said with a mouth full of muffin. "Want one?"

"That's a dumb question." I took one biting into it. This was possibly the most amazing thing since sex.

'Unless it's with our backstabbing mate of course.' I groaned. He just had to keep bring that bitch up.

'I thought we both agreed we wouldn't talk about her? She fucked up.'

'I guess. Hard not to.' I hate him sometimes. I pulled into the parking lot and got out and leaned against the hood of my car. 'Especially when she's across the parking lot.' I looked up. She was sitting in her car clear back in the corner. A pain started in my chest. It was always dull, except for when I was fucking a girl, and then it hurt like hell. I looked away from where she was. Within a few minutes people started to arrive. My sister got of Liam's car; she gave me a small smile, she was mad at me for not trying to talk to Natalee. If Natalee wanted to talk then I would talk, but I'm not going to her. A blue car drove up and out came a blonde head of hair. My newest toy was here, awesome. She got out and I walked over to her given her a hug. We leaned against my car. I put my arm around her, feeling off a bit. I relaxed only to get tense again, Natalee was walking by. Without even thinking I kissed the top of Mya's head. I could feel a tiny pain. But it went away. Felt her start to walk away until Kaylee saw her. Fuck.

"Nat? Where you going?" shit, I looked at my brother, he shrugged. Nat walked over to us, she was deliberately not looking at me. She had no right to act like that. She was the problem; not me. "How have you been? I haven't heard from you all weekend." Kaylee asked her another question. Nat opened her mouth to say something, but Mya cut her off.

"She looks like shit. Do you even own make up slut? Or is that just when you're fucking people?" I was shocked just like everyone else, but I just laughed. I looked at Natalee as pain shot through me again. She was fine until I laughed, good. I was about to look away when I heard a rumbling noise, she flushed a bit.

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