Chapter Three: Vodka and Kisses

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When we got to the club, the line was huge; it wrapped all the way around the block

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When we got to the club, the line was huge; it wrapped all the way around the block. I just looked at Scarlett, who looked like a little kid in a candy store. She didn't come out with us very often, if ever. she was more than happy to get me all dressed up and stay home.

"Now, I think we should just walk up to the guy with the pretty red rope, and you can flirt with him, and we'll get in quicker." Scarlett had been trying to get Kaylee to do this for five minutes. "I mean honestly, you look hot, he looks like he would love it. That and the line hasn't moved since we got here." She made her genuine puppy dog face; Kaylee just glared at her, and sighed; she walked to the bouncer.

We followed her, Liam was laughing all the way up there. I was surprised when the bouncer raised the rope and waved her and us through. She handed him her number. We walked into a hallway. I could hear music playing, sounded like some remixed song, maybe.

"You owe me ginger. You owe me a lot. I swear if he actually calls me, I'll give him your number." Scarlett just laughed as Kaylee yelled at her; Wren glared at Kaylee the whole time.

As soon as we walked through a doorway, an enormous warehouse-type room opened up. I looked around, it looked awesome. Lots of people dancing, a bar, I smelled something good, food I think.

"Okay, guys, remember we need to leave before 12, dad said since we turn 18 at one we need to be in the house." Everyone nodded as Liam looked at his watch then rolled his neck. "In the meantime, I need alcohol, lots and lots of it." 

I watched as he headed toward the bar. I looked, and Scarlett had dragged Wren out onto the dance floor, and they were dancing really close together, I just raised my eyebrows and looked away. Kaylee was already talking to some guys, flirting, getting free drinks. Typical alone at a club; I just shook my head, and I made my way to the bar.

"Two shots of vodka, please." The bartender looked me up and down, but just nodded. He sat them in front of me, and I threw them both back, enjoying the feeling it gave me. Within the next few minutes, I drank three more shots. The buzzing feeling that came with the alcohol started and a smile joined the feeling.

I turned and looked around the dance floor. A guy was standing against the wall just bobbing his head to the music, he looked incredibly bored. But I noticed how he was looking at some of the dancers, he was looking for someone. A girlfriend maybe?

A group of girls walked past him, and by the look on his face, totally not looking for his girlfriend. Perfect. I threw back another shot as a new song started. I walked past him and "accidentally" bumped into him.

"I am so sorry. I didn't see you standing there." I smiled at him and started to walk away. I counted to ten in my head. And I heard a voice.

"You might not have seen me beautiful, but I definitely saw you." I smiled. Hook, line, and sinker. "Not many girls with hair like that in here." I slowly turned around, running my hand through my hair. I thought mom was going to die when I dyed it bright blue last year, I had liked it though and kept the color up.

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