The Beatle

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YEAR: 1964

"Yer late again Lucy," my friend Eleanor teased.
"Can it Ellie!"
"Oh come on, I'm just havin a little fun!"
"Well I don't like fun," I smirked.
"Well that's just a lie,"
"So who's in today?"
Eleanor let out a gasp and nearly collapsed onto me.
"The Beatles!"
"The Who?"
"Not The Who ye nit! The Beatles!"
"Like the bug?"
"Oh yer useless when it comes to music,"
"I'm lousy with British bands," I sighed.
"And yet yer all caught up on that American rubbish,"
"Elvis is not rubbish," I smiled, "he's so talented, and gorgeous," I sighed.
"Well the Beatles are better," she cheered.
"Highly doubt it," I shrugged.
"Did ye know John Lennon got his style from Elvis," she tried informing me.
"And I should care because?"
"Don't be smart!"
"Ladies!" Our boss yelled to us. "The boys should be here any minute, are ye all ready?"
"I am," Eleanor said proudly.
"I'll be fine, just send them in when they get here,"
"Alright, just don't smother them when they arrive,"
"No promises," Eleanor blushed.

We soon heard playful banter coming from the hall.

"Ye need to ditch that bird McCartney," one chuckled.
"Not a chance!"
"Why? Cause ye love her?"
"Don't be insultin my wife! I've got half a mind to kick yer arse!"
"Hi," I interrupted. "Let me guess, yer McCartney," I pointed to the tall man with some girlish features.
"Ye can call me Paul," he shook my hand.
"I'M ELEANOR!" Eleanor cut me off.
"Very nice to meet ye," Paul shook her hand.
"Wow," she whispered as her face began to heat up. Paul McCartney just touched my hand! She thought.
"I'm gonna guess that ye birds already know who we are," a tall hazel eyed man said with a posh tone in his voice.
"Of course! Yer John," she pointed to the snobby man, "yer Paul, yer George," she pointed to a slightly taller man with little fangs that began to show when he smiled. "I think ye guys are amazin!"
"Ye forgot about Richie," George uttered.
"Oi! I didn't see him!"
"It's alright," he mumbled.
"Well, we should get ye boys ready," I said.
"I want John!" Eleanor grabbed onto his arm.
"I'll take McCartney," I mumbled. "And Richie is it?"
"Ye can call me Ringo," he smiled.
"So I get George AND John! This day just gets better and better. Sit over there George, I'll call ye over when I'm done with John,"
George politely nodded and sat on a styling chair that wasn't being used.
"Who wants to go first?" I asked as I got all my supplies together.
"I will," Paul said.
"Okay," I shrugged. "Sit," I demanded. I brought over a towel and draped it over his shoulders. I grabbed my slightlybwet comb and began running it through his hair. "So yer married," I said trying to make conversation.
"I am,"
"How long?"
"We're comin up on two years," he smiled.
"What's her name?"
"Do ye guys have any kids?"
"We have a little girl and one on the way,"
"Congratulations," I said. I finished combing his hair and giving him a small trim before I sent him off. "Yer all set," I said as I cleaned off his suit.
"Ta," he said.
"Ringo yer next," I patted the seat, "sit." He shyly walked over and sat down. "What about ye?" I asked while putting a clean towel over his shoulders.
"Excuse me?"
"Do ye have a wife?"
"Wh-Why do ye wanna know?"
"Just makin conversation," I began combing his hair. "Yer hair seems to be fine, ye don't need a trim,"
"Are ye sure?"
"Do ye want me to cut yer hair?" I chuckled.
"I-I just...never mind," he mumbled.
"Okay then," I raises a brow and took the towel off his shoulder. "Have fun with yer movie," I smiled.
"I'm sorry, I never caught yer name,"
"It's Lucy. And yer Ringo right?"
"My friends call me Richie,"
"Well I'm not a friend," I said as I cleaned up the salon chair.
"Rings we gotta go," John said as he put his contact lenses in.
"Bye boys," Eleanor waved flirtatiously.

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