Hard Times

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YEAR: 1975

(A/N: I made a lot of changes so it's not a vulgar mess)

A few weeks after my fight with Eleanor I decided to pay her a visit. I talked to Ringo and we decided to give her some money so she can still have a decent amount to live on. One snowy afternoon I left Ringo with the kids and headed for her house.

"Ellie," I said as I knocked on the door. "Ellie please open up," I sighed. "Ellie it's cold! Please open up! I wanted to apologize! Ellie!"

I walked over to a window and tried to look in; I didn't see anyone. I decided to walk down the block so I could call Mike on the payphone.

"Hi Mike..."
"Who is this?"
"What do ye want?"
"In yer- Ellie's house, is there a spare key anywhere?"
"Under the front mat. Why?"
"No reason, thanks,"
"Mhmm..." the line died.

I walked back to the house and quickly found the key. I unlocked the door and continued yelling for her.

"Ellie! I see yer car in the driveway, where are ye!" I begin walking upstairs to her bedroom; I found her sleeping on her bed, still fully clothed in some uniform. "Ellie wake up!"
"What?" she mumbled, still half asleep.
"It's 2 in the afternoon! Wake up!"
"Lucy, I'm tired, please let me sleep,"
"Why are ye dressed that way?"
"I had to get a second job so I could keep my house," she sat up and rubbed her eyes, "and if I wanted partial custody of the kids," she continued mumbling.
"Mike might let ye see the kids? That's wonderful!"
"Yeah but only on weekends," she huffed.
"Better than nothin,"
"I suppose yer right. So why are ye here and how did ye get in?"
"Mike told me about the so are key and I wanted to give ye this," I handed her an envelope.
"What's this?"
"Open it," I chuckled. She twisted her face and slowly tore it open.
"A million pounds! Lucy I can't accept this!"
"Well I'm not leavin until ye take it,"
"Then I guess yer not leavin,"
"Please just take it. I hate seein ye like this,"
"Like what?" she pouted.
"Like a mess of a person that has to work two jobs. Yer my only friend Ellie and I care about ye, please just take the money,"
"Fine," she sighed. "What about Michelle?" she chuckled.
"What about her?"
"She isn't yer friend?"
"She's more of an acquaintance...she's just one of those people that kind of just show up in a time of need," I smirked. "Now ye can get some rest if ye want, that's all I wanted to give ye," I gave her a small wave and started walking out if the room.
"Lucy wait!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around.
She got up from the bed and gave me a tight hug.
"Thank you," she cried.
"You're welcome," I smiled. "Hey, are ye hungry?"
"I could eat," she chuckled.
"Let's get some lunch, on me," I offered.
"Okay...but I won't be able to stay that long, I have to rest for work,"
"What do ye even do?"
"Well, after I was fired from being a hair dresser I became a waitress...after I got fired from that Mike got me an amazing job as an assistant at a photography company but then I got demoted and now I'm just the auditor for the company, which surprisingly doesn't make a whole lot of money. So I had to take a second job as a waitress again...I work the night shift which sucks! Yer lucky ye don't have to work," she sighed.
"Are ye kiddin me? I have to take care of 3 kids and I don't get paid for that," I let out a faint laugh. "Come on, get changed,"


We went to an old diner that was a few blocks away. It was virtually empty; I guess no one liked to go to diners anymore. As we waited for our food, I began picking and biting my nails. Eventually Eleanor spoke which broke my focus.

"Lucy, what's that?"
"What?" I looked behind me.
"No," she took ahold of my left hand. "What's this?" she motioned towards a scar that sat on top of my hand.
"You've never noticed that before?" I chuckled.
"No! What happened? Are ye alright?"
"I'm fine," I chuckled. "How have ye never noticed that before? It's been there for almost two years," I continued laughing.
"What happened?"
"I was putting Lee's crib together, alone," I rolled my eyes, "and I guess I put a piece on wrong, it fell off and cut my hand, that's all," I shrugged. "But then get this," I chuckled as I showed her my palm, "I tried to get up so I could go to the hospital, then a fuckin screw goes through the same hand. Fuckin bullshit," I sighed.
"Why wasn't Ringo helpin ye?"
"He kinda gave up when Jason turned two," I rolled my eyes once more.
"Then why did he want a third?"
"He wanted a girl,"
"Course he did...so why didn't ye tell me when ye got hurt?"
"I was mad at ye...remember we didn't talk-"
"For nine months. I know," she smirked.
"So ye might get to see yer kids again," I smiled.
"Do ye miss them?"
"A little," she lied.
"Okay a lot," she sighed.
"I feel like an awful friend asking this, but what are yer kids names again?" I chuckled. She gave me a very cold stare as I asked the question.
"Violet and Kit," she gritted her teeth.
"Oh yeah..." I pursed my lips and went back to picking at my nails.

We ate our lunch in a very awkward silence. When we finished Ellie drove me home; once we got to my house I waved goodbye and awkwardly walked in.

"I'm home," I yelled as I hung up my coat.
"Hey mum," the boys greeted as they played in the hall.
"Hi boys, where's yer father?"
"Feedin Lee," Jason mumbled.
"Thanks," I russled their heads and walked into the kitchen. "Hey," I sighed as I leaned over the counter.
"Hi," he smiled as he set Lee's food down on her high chair. "How was Ellie,"
"Poor thing," he sighed as he fed Lee.
"Want me to take over?" I offered.
"No, it's fine," he smiled as he fed her little spoonfuls of pasta.
"I can't thank ye enough for helpin out more," I smiled as I sat next to him. As we stared at Lee, we heard one of the boys scream.

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