Golden Slumbers

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YEAR: 1969

"Michelle I don't understand. What's wrong?" I asked, trying to catch up to her. I was in a black pencil skirt, black heels, and a white blouse. Being pregnant while wearing heels and trying to run was not a good mix. "Michelle please slow down and tell me what happened!" I asked as I got into her car.
"Zak got hurt," she said as she drove.
"What do ye mean he got hurt!"
"Ringo was takin him to my house and on the way there someone crashed into his car. He's fine but Zak on the other hand-"
"Stop talkin!" I cried into my hands. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I yelled. "This always fuckin happens!"
"What!" Michelle asked, still rushing to the hospital.
"Everyone I love dies," I continued crying.
"No one said he was dead! Don't jump to conclusions Luc," she said trying to calm me down. "We're here. C'mon,"

I rushed out of the car and sprinted inside. I pushed past all of the people waiting and ran up to the receptionist desk.

"Mam, there are a lot of people in front of ye. Please wait yer turn." she gave me a cold stare.
"Please, my son was in a car crash. I need to know if he's okay. Please tell me what room he's in!"
"Fine, if it'll get ye out of here. What's name?"
"Zak Starkey," I said. The receptionist dropped her pen and gave me a shocked look.
"Yer Ringo Starr's wife..."
"Yes I am," I lied, "please tell me what room my son is in!"
"118." She stuttered while pointing down the hall.
"Thank ye," I said as I started running again.

I burst through the door and ran into Ringo's arms; I began crying into his chest. He put one arm around my waist and the other around my head. He placed as a kiss on my forehead and began crying as well.

"Shhh love, everything's gonna be alright," he cooed.
"How's he doin?" I asked as I turned to an unconscious Zak laying in a hospital bed.
"The doctors said he'll be fine, he's just in shock,"
"So he'll wake up?"
"That's what they said,"
"Oh thank god," I said as I hugged him once more. "My god yer eye!" I gasped at the purple marks that surrounded his right eye.
"I'm fine," he tried smiling.
"Oh and yer forehead," I sighed as I stared at the bandaged part of his face.
"I'm fine," he insisted.
"Oh alright," I said. "I'll be right back," I mumbled as I walked into the bathroom.
"Are ye alright?"
"Yeah," I said as I clenched my stomach; I returned a few minutes later.
"Ye sure yer alright?"
"Mhmm...just some morning sickness," I sighed as I sat in the chair next to Zak's bed. I stared at my darling baby boy and hoped that he'd wake up.
"Ye should try singin to him...he loves it when ye sing," Ringo suggested.
"Don't be ridiculous! That wouldn't work," I mumbled.
"Why are ye so pessimistic?"
"I'm a realist darling, correct yerself," I smirked.
"Please...just give it a shot,"
"Fine," I sighed. I took ahold of Zak's hand and took a deep breath. "Once there was a way to get back homeward
Once there was a way to get back home
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I will sing a lullabye

Golden slumbers fill your eyes
Smiles awake you when you rise
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I will sing a lullabye

Once there was a way to get back homeward
Once there was a way to get back home
Sleep pretty darling do not cry
And I will sing a lullabye..." Nothing. "I told ye he wouldn't wake up," I placed a kiss on his hand and leaned back in my chair. Without even realizing it, I fell asleep in the chair. I was woken up several hours later by a little voice calling me.
"Mum..." I heard a slightly tired voice call. "Mum, ye okay?" My eyes opened and there was my baby, awake! I stood up and gave him a tight hug.
"I'm so glad yer alright," I cried.
"I'm fine," he pouted. "Ye okay?"
"I'm fantastic now that yer awake," I cheered.
"I was asleep?" he didn't seem to remember much.
"Yes ye were," I smiled. "But yer okay now! Right?"
"I think so," he shrugged.
"What do ye remember?"
"Not much...just singin." My eyes widened as tears stained my cheeks.
"I love ye Zak," I hugged him once more.
"I love ye too mum,"
"Look who woke up," Ringo smiled as he handed me a tea. "Come here!" Ringo cheered as he have Zak a bear hug.
"Ouch dad!" he pouted as he touched his cheek; there was a cut on his cheek along with several small ones on his forehead and torso.
"Sorry," he backed away. "I got excited. I'm glad yer okay," he smiled.
"What happened to yer eye?" Zak pouted.
"I got hurt, but I'm okay now," he reassured.
"Okay," he shrugged.
"My baby boys alright," I mumbled to myself, still in shock that he woke up. I sat next to him on his bed and gave him another hug.
"Mum what's that?" Zak asked as he poked at my dimple. "There's a hole in yer cheek!"
"No sweety," I chuckled, "it's just a dimple. I have them, yer father has them, and so do you," I smiled wider so they'd be more prominent.
"Whoa!" He continued to poke the little dents in my cheeks. I gave him a grin and began lightly poking his. "Stop it mum," he chuckled as he whacked my hand awake.
"Sorry," I rolled my eyes and let out a small giggle. "I still can't believe yer alive," I hugged him once more.
"We should go Luc,"
"I don't wanna leave him," I whined.
"Lucy ye need to be in bed,"
"Go mum," Zak yawned.
"Listen to the boy," Ringo smirked.
"Fine, you win," I placed a kiss on top of Zak's forehead. "I'll be back first thing tomorrow. Okay?"
"Kay," he smiled.
"Mr. and Mrs. Starkey, may I please talk to ye for a moment," the doctor called.
"Yeah?" Ringo said.
"It's about yer son,"
"Please tell me he's okay," I said while clinging to Ringo's arm.
"He's fine, I just wanted to tell ye that he can go home tomorrow,"
"Okay...thank ye," Ringo said as he started walking me out. As soon as we walked out we were greeted by flashing cameras.
"Oh shit..." I gritted my teeth. Ringo wrapped his arm around my waist and began pushing me through the crowd.
"Excuse us!" he yelled.
"Mrs. Starr how is yer son?"
"Fine! Excuse us!" I began walking faster. "Richie I don't feel well. Let's go!"
"I'm tryin love!" Before I knew it, I had already thrown up all over the side walk.
"Fuck," I mumbled.
"Mrs. Starr are ye alright?" a few yelled.
"Are ye pregnant?" One yelled. My body froze in terror as all the reporters glared at me, waiting for a response. "Well?"

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