A Hard Days Night

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YEAR: 1964

As they left Eleanor and I sat down and began talking.
"Ugh they're so gorgeous,"
"They're not so great," I shrugged.
"Excuse me," one of them said as they walked back in.
"Which one are ye?" I asked.
"I'm Paul," he laughed, "I was sent back in cause I need a disguise,"
"Here, sit," I got up from the chair. "Yer the one that has the fake beard?"
"Yeah." I grabbed the fake beard and mustache that the make up lady gave me and put them on Paul's face.
"There ye go McCartney,"
"Have fun with yer movie," I waved.

Before I got a chance to sit back down, the director of the film came in to talk to us.

"Good morning ladies,"
"Mornin," we waved.
"We're short on a few birds, would ye mind joinin the movie, ye don't need to say a word,"
"Thanks but-"
"We'd love too!" Eleanor cheered.
"Alright, I think yer fine in the clothes yer wearin. Please follow me, the train is waitin,"

Eleanor and I followed the director to the train. We were given a place to sit and given instructions on what to do when they walked in. We waited in the cramped stewardess room with about 6 other girls who looked as thrilled as Eleanor.

"I can't believe we get to meet the Beatles!" One girl cheered.
"I know," a pretty blonde girl said. "The director said that I get to talk to them! Apparently Paul comes up to me and asks me out," she blushed.
"But isn't he married?" I added.
"That doesn't matter Luc," Eleanor teased.
"Yes it does. How would ye feel if ye were married to one of them and yer husband flirts with a younger or prettier girl,"
"Oh please Michelle has no need to be jealous...Luc is it?" The blonde girl said.
"Lucy," I said as I stuck my hand out to introduce myself.
"Pattie," she shook my hand.
"Nice to meet ye," I nodded.
"So who's yer favorite?" she asked.
"I don't know...never heard of them until today," I shrugged.
"You've never heard of them!" All the girls gasped.
"Nope I-"
"LET'S GO LADS!" we heard one yell from outside the train.
"Here we go," Eleanor said as the train started moving.

After a few hours, the director called Pattie and her friend out to the dining car; they returned about 20 minutes later.

"Oh my god George looked like he was gonna pass out when he saw ye," Pattie's friend teased.
"Did ye see the way John looked at you! My god, if it weren't for Cyn, I'm sure he'd be madly in love with ye,"
"Don't get yer hopes up ladies," I scoffed.
"Why do ye always have to be so pessimistic!" Eleanor yelled.
"I'm not pessimistic! I'm a realist!"
"Do ye really think 2, oh what are they called, Beatles? Would go after 2 little background actresses? No! They're gonna go after models or actually famous actresses! Keep dreamin," I snarled.
"Ye don't need to be so rude," Pattie gasped.
"I'm not bein rude, I'm just speakin the truth. If ye can't handle it, don't ask for it. Excuse me," I got up and walked out of the stewardess car.
"Excuse me, ye can't be out of yer position!" one of the producers yelled.
"Buggar off!" I said as I went into the next train car. I began heading for the dining car so I could sit down and clear my head.
I hate this! Why did Ellie make me do this! I thought to myself.
As I continued my walk I bumped into two men. Without looking up from the ground, I mumbled "Excuse me," and continued walking.
"Hey Rings wasn't that the bird ye liked? Lucy? Is that her name?" George observed.
"I don't think it was her," he blushed.
"I think it was," George turned around and began following me to the dining car. "Excuse me," I felt someone tap my shoulder.
"What?" I turned around. "Oh hi," I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall. "Which one are ye?"
"George," he smiled. "And yer Lucy,"
"I am," I smirked. "How can I help ye?"
"Well my friend thought ye were rather pretty,"
"He must be smokin somethin fierce cause no one thinks I'm pretty,"
"H-He just smokes fags...and he thinks yer beautiful,"
"Yeah right," I laughed. "I gotta go," As I walked away, George grabbed my arm.
"Please go talk to him at least,"
"No...bye George," I turned around and continued my walk to the dining car.

I took a seat at an empty table and waited for an actual stewardess to bring me a coffee or tea. As I waited I heard someone pulled up a chair and sit down.

"Well hello there,"
"Hi," I mumbled.
"Ye waitin for someone?"
"No," I looked at the man, "do I know ye from somewhere,"
"Well I'd hope so," he chuckled. "I'm John,"
"I've never met a John," I rolled my eyes.
"We met earlier today," he smirked.
"Oh, yer one of the bugs," I sighed.
"Yes," he growled, "I'm a Beatle,"
"Well good for ye," I whispered. "Leave me alone," I scoffed.
"Yer tellin me, John Lennon, a Beatle, to leave ye alone?"
"I don't care who ye are to be completely honest,"
"Well ye should,"
"Because I'm John Lennon!"
"And I'm Lucy Campbell! Now go away," I twisted me face.
"Make me!"
"John leave the bird alone," a familiar feminine face said as he hit the back of John's head.
"Alright," he scowled as he stood up.
"Sorry about him love," Paul apologized as he took John's place at the table.
"It's fine," I said.
"Here ye are," the stewardess said as she handed me a cup of coffee.
"Ta," I mumbled.
"Where's yer friend?"
"With the other actresses,"
"Why aren't ye with them?" he laughed.
"I made them mad," I smirked as I took a sip of coffee.
"How?" Paul laughed as the stewardess brought Paul a tea.
"I told them the truth,"
"The ones ye were 'flirtin' with were sayin how they were gonna marry George and John," I rolled my eyes, "but I told them they were full if it,"
"Well...George actually liked one of 'em. The blonde I believe,"
"Well then," I laughed, "I guess I owe Pattie an apology,"
"Guess ye do,"
"So, ye said ye had a wife,"
"I do, and a daughter. Do ye wanna see a picture?"
"Sure," I smiled. He pulled out his wallet and began showing me pictures.
"This is us when we first started datin,"
"Ye haven't aged a day!" I joked. "Ye guys look so happy together," I smiled.
"Then this is us with our daughter, Heather,"
"Ye guys are such a cute family,"
"Thank ye," he beamed as he put his wallet away. "So do ye think yer ever gonna get married or have kids?"
"Oh god no!"
"Really? Ye never wanna get married?"
"Not anytime soon," I took another sip of my coffee.
"So ye don't like anyone?" Paul raised a brow.
"Not at the moment...why?"
"No reason," he smiled and took a sip of his tea.
"Are ye tryin to shag me McCartney?" I joked.
"Yeah," he sarcastically replied.
"Hi," I heard a nervous voice say. I looked up to find a little man with the bluest eyes in the world.
I cracked a smile and said, "hi."

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