No Promises

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YEAR: 1970

"Luc, the concerts gonna start soon, let's go," Ringo said as he finished tying his tie.
"Richie I don't think I can go," I mumbled as I leaned up against the door frame of our almost unpacked room. We moved into our new mansion a few months ago, it's rather nice being away from the city.
"Lucy, please it's our last concert," he pleaded.
"So you'd rather have yer 9 month pregnant 'wife' standin up for god knows how long, in a crowd full of aggressive fans rather than her stayin at home, nice and safe," I gave him a smug look.
"Well when ye put it like that..." he grumbled.
"Exactly. I'm gonna keep watchin my show," I smiled as I walked back downstairs.

As I sat there, watching the telly, Ringo was still rushing to get ready. Zak and I were relaxing on the couch in our pajamas watching I Love Lucy reruns.

"Alright I'm headin out,"
"Good luck!" I yelled from the couch.
"Thanks," he said as he leaned over and kissed me. "Don't go into labor," he joked.
"No promises," I smiled. "Love ye, do well,"
"Love ye too. Bye," he said as he walked out. As soon as I heard his car drive away I got up and headed for the phone.
"Mum what ye doin?"
"Callin Ellie..." I mumbled.
"Get over here," I demanded.
"Who is this?"
"Take a guess ye nit!"
"Oh, hi Lucy. Why do ye want me to come over?"
"I need a ride to the hospital..." I huffed.
"Take a guess!" I sighed.
"Oh! Why can't Ringo take ye?"
"He's doin his last concert," I cried; I was in a lot of pain. "I didn't want to take his last Beatle concert away from him,"
"Yer such a good wife," she teased.
"Shut up and get over here!"
"Yeah yeah, I'm comin. See ye." the line went dead.
"Mum, ye okay?"
"Mhmm," I lied.
"Who did ye call?"
"Ellie," I sighed, trying my best to not collapse from the contractions.
"Mummy needs to go to the hospital,"
"Yer gettin yer baby brother or sister today," I flashed him a fake smile.
"Yep...please go get dressed,"
"Okay!" he got up and ran to his room.
"Bloody hell. Why did I want another kid! This is awful," I mumbled.
"Lucy!" Eleanor began knocking on the door.
"Zak get the door!" I yelled.
"Kay mum," he said as he ran to the front door. "Hi auntie Ellie!"
"Hi sweety, where's yer mum?"
"Livin room,"
"Ta," she ran in to find me hunched over the couch. "Let's go," she mumbled as she put her arm around my waist and began walking me to the car. "Zak let's go," she said reaching for his hand.

We began driving to the hospital with the help of a police escort. We thankfully arrived at the hospital in almost no time. Ellie helped me out of the car and rushed me into the hospital.

"Hi, my friend is in labor,"
"Bring her back," the lady pointed down the hall.
"Zak, please stay with me," I said while holding out my hand.

The nurses helped me into a hospital gown and got me settled into my room.

"Hey Ellie, can ye turn the telly to the concert?"
"The news I think,"
"There," she smiled. "I'm gonna head over there. Are ye gonna be okay?"
"I'll be fine, but why are ye leavin?"
"So I can get Ringo as soon as the concerts over," she smiled. "Bye," she waved.

I leaned back in my crappy little hospital bed with Zak sitting at my side and we just enjoyed the concert. About 30 minutes later the police surrounded the building and made them stop. When the police shut them down they all scurried into the studio and finished packing everything up.

"Hey Rings," Ellie said as she pulled him aside.
"Ye need to come with me,"
"It's Lucy..."
"What happened! Is she alright!"
"She's in the hospital, but she's fine...I think,"
"You think! Come on! I need to see if she's alright!" The two ran out of the studio to only be hounded by crazed fans and the media.
"Get out of our way!" Eleanor yelled.
"Mr. Starr, are ye cheatin on yer wife?" A few reporters asked.
"No! My 'wife' is in the hospital! Please move!"

He yelled trying to get through the crowd. They eventually got to their cars and rushed to the hospital. Once they arrived, Eleanor showed him which room Zak and I were in.

"Lucy! Are ye alright? What happened?"
"Hey! Ye did so well!" I cheered.
"Lucy...what happened?"
"I may or may not have gone into labor," I smiled.
"When?" he sighed.
"When ye were gettin ready to go,"
"Why didn't ye tell me?" He asked as he pulled up a chair.
"Ye were so excited for yer concert...I didn't want to take that away from ye," I pouted.
"Well the birth of my child is a little more important," he shrugged while smiling.
"I know," I chuckled, "I'm sorry,"
"It's haven't had the child harm done," he held my hand and took a deep breath. "Wanna get married?" he asked.
"Nope," I smirked.
"Why not?"
"Don't want to,"
"It's been 3 years and we haven't even started planning yet!"
"Richie ye know how I feel about marriage! We already call each other husband and wife! I go by Lucy Starkey! What else do ye want?"
"I want a ring on my finger..."
"Ye already have 4," I chuckled.
"Ye know what I mean,"
"Maybe one day Richie," I pursed my lips.
"Dad ye did so good!" Zak said, finally joining the conversation.
"Thank ye," he smiled.

Many hours passed, the media showed up at the hospital, same old, same old. Eventually Eleanor took Zak out of the room so I could have the second child; it was a boy.

"Here ye are," the nurse smiled as she handed me the baby boy.
"He's beautiful," Ringo said as he sat on the bed with me.
"He's got yer eyes," I beamed.
"Most kids are born with blue eyes," he smirked.
"But I think they'll stick," I leaned into him. "What are we gonna name him?"
"I don't know," he shrugged.
"Let's name him Jason," I smiled.
"Why?" he chuckled.
"It was my dads name,"
"Then Jason it is,"

A few days passed and we were allowed to go home. The media followed us around and kept asking us questions.

"Mrs. Starkey, what did ye have?"
"A boy," I smiled as we all pushed through the crowd.
"Mrs. Starr, what's yer sons name?"
"Jason. Excuse us!"
"Zak, come here," Ringo said as he picked him up. We managed to push our way to our car and drive home.
"Welcome home Jason," I smiled.
"Can I see the baby mum?" Zak asked as we walked into living room.
"Ye can't hold him," I mumbled.
"I know," he shrugged and walked over to the baby carrier. "He looks like dad,"
"I know," I smiled. "So do you," I said as I kneeled down next to Zak.
"Mhmm," I looked to Ringo and smiled. "I'm gonna go put him to bed, okay?"
"Okay," Zak sighed and sat on the couch. I pat his head and took Jason's carrier into his room.
"Ye okay Zak?" Ring I asked as he sat next to him. "Ye don't seem too thrilled about yer brother,"
"I'm not," he pouted.
"Ye like him more than me,"
"Yer funny," Ringo smiled. "We love ye both equally,"
"Of course," Ringo kissed his head.
"Zak honey," I called into the living room, "time for bed. Come on,"
"Comin mum," he mumbled.
"Night," Ringo said while hugging him.
"Night dad,"


"So two kids," Ringo raised a brow as we got ready for bed.
"So no more Beatles,"
"Don't," he warned.
"I'm still sorry I couldn't be there,"
"It's okay," he shrugged. "Ye were doin somethin far more important,"
"Guess I was," I chuckled.
"Do ye think you'll ever want another one?"
"No! I'm done with kids,"
"That's what Michelle said after Mary,"
"But I'm serious Starr! From this point on, every time we have sex ye better use somethin or I'm gonna kill ye,"
"Yes 'mam," he chuckled. "May I ask, why no more?"
"I was miserable today. It was a lot worse than I remember," I sighed.
"But isn't it rewarding?" he joked.
"Yer not the one pushin it out," I scowled.
"I know, I know," he gave me a quick kiss. "I love ye,"
"I love ye more,"
"Then marry me..."
"Ye keep pissin me off and yer never gettin married,"
"I'm sorry," he smirked. "Night,"

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