Now We Wait

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YEAR: 1976

"What are we gonna tell the kids?" Ringo asked.
"Nothing...they don't need to know anythin. Last thing we need is for them to be scared,"
"They're gonna be wonderin where you've gone many days will she be here?"
"Five at the most," the doctor shrugged.
"I'll just tell them I've been keepin an eye on Jason,"
"Lucy, he gets to come home in two days!"
"I'll figure something out!"


"Are ye ready?" Ringo asked as we ate breakfast the morning of my surgery.
"Mhmm...can't fuckin wait,"
"Don't be sarcastic," he chuckled.
"I'm not bein sarcastic," I laughed back.
"We should get goin,"
"Are ye sure Zak and Jason will be alright on their own?"
"They'll be alone for ten minutes...Zak is almost 10 and Jason is most likely gonna be sleepin for the next few hours. They'll be fine. Come on, I wanna get this thing out of my head,"
"I know...come on,"


"Bye Lee," I sigh as I wave from outside the car. "Bye Richie," I wave. He lowers his window and leans out.
"I hope it goes well," he sighs. "I love ye." I smile and give him a quick kiss.
"I love ye too. Bye, tell the boys I love them and I'll see them in a few days,"
"I will..."

And in the blink of an eye, he drove away. I stood out there in the snow for a few more minutes before I decided to walk inside.

"Hi Lucy," the receptionist smiled.
"Hey Maggie,"
"Ye nervous?"
"Yeah," I sighed as I filled out the last of my paper work.
"Ye can sit over there. They will be out for ye soon,"

As soon as I went to sit down my nurse came out for me.

"Lucy we're ready for ye." I pursed my lips and followed her to my private room. "Alright, change into these and lay on the bed and another nurse will be in soon to shave the left side of yer head. Okay?"

I got changed as fast as I could and waited for the other nurse to come in. I did about ten minutes of waiting before he strolled in. He quickly shaved the left side of my head and told me to relax until the doctors come in. Before I knew it I was knocked out.


I let out a gasp several hours later; I begin struggling for air.

"Lucy, please calm down," a nurse cooed. "Do ye know where ye are?"
"Th-The hospital,"
"Do ye know who ye are?"
"Lucy Starkey,"
"Good..." she whispered. "Breathe in...breathe out...good job Lucy. Yer surgery went very well,"
"That's good," I whispered.
"I'm gonna let yer family in, okay?"
"Surprise!" they cheered.
"Oh my goodness," I smiled. "I thought I told ye not to bring them," I chuckled.
"We heard ye were sick mum," Zak smiled. "We just wanted to see if yer okay. Are ye okay?"
"I'm great," I whispered, still smiling.
"Lucy," my doctor mumbled as he walked in. "How are ye feelin?"
"Well, I don't have a headache anymore so I feel fantastic,"
"That's good to hear. Well, we're gonna schedule an appointment a month from now. It's just gonna be a quick follow up appointment to make sure everything is perfect. Okay?"
"Do ye understand what I'm saying?"
"A little bit," I mumbled. "I'm really sleepy,"
"Mr. Starkey, drowsiness is going to be one of the pain killer side effects. So yer wife might be out of it for a while,"
"As long as she's not dying I don't care."


"Ugh I hate my hair," I complained as I put my make up on.
"Yeah yeah, I know. Come on yer gonna be late,"
"I know I'm goin as fast as I can," I sighed. Then we heard a knock on the front door; they just walked in.
"Hey! I'm here!"
"Auntie Ellie!" the boys yelled.
"Hey," I sighed as I made my way downstairs.
"Oh my god, what happened to ye?" she chuckled as she motioned towards my hair.
"Nothin. Be good for Ellie,"
"Kay mum,"
"Alright, bye,"

I waved goodbye to all the kids and Ellie as I made my way to the car. I flipped to the radio and hummed along to whatever was playing; most of the time it's Paul or John. I parked in my usual spot and waited for a few minutes before I went in.

"Ready?" Ringo asked.
"Yeah," I sighed.

We got out of the car and be took ahold of my hand so I could calm down. I filled out my paperwork and waited for the doctor to call me in.

"So Lucy, how have ye been feelin?"
"Fine I guess," I shrugged.
"She's always drowsy and light headed,"
"Well Mr. Starkey that is one of the side effects, I told ye that,"
"I know but she finished her pills four days ago,"
"Well then, she's most likely suffering from withdrawal,"
"But she's not! I'd know more than anyone," he scoffed.
"Would ye like us to check her out?" he sighed.
"No! I'm fine! Richie stop speakin for me!"
"Lucy, please calm down,"
"So how does yee head feel?"
"That's good-"
"Please get checked out Luc,"
"Oh my god," I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Let's go," I stood up and waited for him to follow.
"Okay," the doctor sighed and showed me into another room. He did a few tests and sent me back to his office. "Now we wait,"

So we waited for maybe an hour before a nurse came in with my results.

"So?" Ringo whispered.
"Give me a minute Mr. Starkey," he read through my results. "Mrs. Starkey, do ye have a history of cancer in yer family?"
"Yes, my mum had breast cancer I believe. Why?"
"Just making conversation," he mumbled. "Well, Mrs. Starkey, this isn't easy to say and I'm sorry we didn't see this have breast cancer a-and it seems to be spreading to yer liver...I'm sorry to say's terminal..."

My entire world became a blur. My breathing slowed down and my body froze. A few tears trickled down my cheek but I just kept a straight face and wiped them away.

"Lucy we can talk about treatment-" I ignored him and stormed out of his office. "Lucy!"
"Lucy!" Ringo called as he ran after me. I ignored him and ran through the hospital, trying to find a way out. "Lucy please come back!" he cried. I ran out of the hospital and stood on the curb. I ran my hands through my hair and cried my eyes out. "Lucy," Ringo continued crying as be pulled me into a hug. "It's gonna be alright," he sniffled. He rested his chin on my head and rubbed my shoulders. "Yer gonna be okay."

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