Did I Stutter?

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YEAR: 1976

"Mum," Jason mumbled. He was still having a great difficulty speaking since his nose was still far from healed.
"W-When is Ellie comin over?"
"Noon," I said as I gave him his breakfast.
"Mum, when is Jason getting his nose fixed?" Zak asked. "I'm sick of hearing that stupid stutter,"
"You were the one that did this too him, deal with it," I sternly said.
"RICHIE!" I ignored Zak, still slightly mad at his attitude.
"What is it love?" he mumbled as he ran into the kitchen.
"Why aren't ye dressed?"
"Why would I be?"
"Yer suppose to be takin Jason to his doctor appointment!"
"Oh...I forgot,"
"I can tell. Forget it, just please clean the house so it looks decent for Ellie when she comes over. Hurry up Jason, we don't wanna be late," I sighed as I looked for my car keys.
"Kay mum..."


"So Jason," the doctor started, "how have ye been feelin?"
"I see you still have that stutter,"
"Okay," he scribbled a few things down. "This is gonna hurt," he said as he took his 'cast' off.
"Ah!" Jason cringed.
"It's okay love," I held his hand.

The doctor began feeling his nose and the bones that surround it. At this point Jason's nose was black and blue and thankfully, the doctor fixed the bone that was sticking out.

"Okay Mrs. Starkey, Jason...I'm sorry to say that you do need surgery, a nose job if you will. I didn't want to do this because you are very young but we have no other choice. But it is up to you two,"
"What do ye say Jason? Would ye be willin to do it?"
"Y-Yeah," he choked out. "A-As long a-as I don't h-have this st-stupid st-stutter anymore,"
"I guarantee that your stutter will be gone," he smiled.
"Alright, ye can schedule a surgery appointment at the front desk. See ye soon Jason,"


"So how'd it go?" Ringo asked.
"Fine, he has an appointment for surgery in a few weeks,"
"He's getting a nose job," I chuckled.
"S-Stop laughin m-mum," Jason stuttered.
"I'm sorry baby," I gave him a hug. "Thanks for cleanin the house," I smiled.
"No problem," he gave me a quick kiss.
"Hey," Ellie smiled as she walked though the door.
"Hey," I smiled as I gave her a hug. "I thought ye were bringing Vi and Kit?"
"Guess who," Mike smiled as he walked in with the two little ones.
"Oh my god! Are you two back together?" I joked.
"Yes actually," she pursed her lips.
"John was the problem. Now that he's gone we're happier than ever," he smiled. "By the way, it was a really nice of ye guys to give her that money,"
"It was no trouble," I narrowed my eyes and glared at Mike. "So, Lee is in her play room, we can drop them off there if ye want,"
"That'd be great," Eleanor said.
"Richie pick one up," I mumbled as I picked Kit up.

We began walking upstairs so we could leave them to play with Lee.

"Something's up," Ringo uttered.
"I agree. No one just takes yer kids and leave then one day decides to come back!"
"Unless somethins in it for them,"
"And in their case-"
"There's money,"
"And lots of it." We set the kids down in the play room 5o get aquatinted with Lee.
"So what should we do? Confront him?"
"It'd be the right thing to do..." I mumbled.
"Come on then," he sighed.

We walked downstairs to join the boys and the happy couple in the living room.

"I'll talk to him, you keep everyone else occupied," I whispered.
"Alright," he gave me a half smile.
"Hey Mike," I called, "can ye come here for a minute?"
"Sure," he shrugged. I grabbed him by the shoulder and dragged him into Ringo's study. "What are ye doin?"
"Why did ye get back together with Ellie?"
"I'm sorry...I don't understand..."
"Did I fucking stutter?"
"Then answer the question,"
"I-I got back with her cause I love her..."
"Excuse me?"
"Ye don't understand, I love Ellie like a sister and the last thing I need to see is her gettin hurt. So, tell me the truth. Why are ye will Ellie?" He was silent. "It's because of the money isn't it?" I finally said.
"Yer such a bitch, ye know that?"
"I'm a bitch for tryin to help my best friend?"
"No, yer a bitch for accusing me of being with my wife for money!"
"That is the reason ye twat!"
"Are ye fuckin serious? My brother is one of the richest men in the world! If I ever needed money I would just go to him. I wouldn't play some woman for a million pounds!"
"I-I'm sorry Mike..."
"Ye should be."

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