I Told You So

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YEAR: 1964

"Fucking shit," I whispered as I slid out of bed. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," I kept mumbling as I got dressed. "Shit," I whispered as I grabbed my shoes and ran out of the apartment.

I began running home looking like absolute hell. My hair wasn't brushed, my make up was smeared, and dress was unzipped, and my shoes were in my hands. Once I got home I slammed the door behind me and chucked my shoes across the living room.

"Lucy? Is that you?" I heard Ellie call from her room.
"Yeah..." I said trying to catch my breath.
"Where were ye last night?" she asked as she walked out. She was wearing a shirt that clearly wasn't hers and her hair was up in a pony tail.
"Ellie...who's shirt is that?"
"Oh," she chuckled, "no one special," she twirled her hair around her index finger.
"I'm probably the most special person you'll ever shag," I heard scruffy voice yell from her bedroom.
"Ellie, who's in there..." I began walking towards her door.
"Long time, no see," John smiled as he walked out of Eleanor's room in nothing but boxers.
"John!" I gasped. "I-I thought ye were married,"
"I am," he chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Eleanor's waist.
"Ellie what's wrong with ye! Why would ye sleep with a married man?"
"Cause he's a Beatle," she giggled as John kissed her neck.
"Oh for fucks sake," I grabbed John by hair and pulled him out of the apartment. "Leave," I demanded as I slammed the door.
"Why would ye do that!" she yelled.
"I-I can't deal with ye right now! Why the fuck would ye shag him! I get it, he's a Beatle but that's no reason to sleep with a married man!" As I yelled, Eleanor looked me up and down and gave me a smirk.
"Who'd ye shag last night, Miss I don't fancy anyone,"
"I didn't shag anyone," I lied.
"You wreak of regret...who'd ye shag?"
"Ringo," I mumbled as my face became heated from embarrassment.
"You didn't!" she smiled.
"Yep...I did and I regret it so much!"
"Why? Wait...did he use-"
"I don't know!" I said as I cut her off. "I was too drunk to remember!"
"Look on the bright side, ye could be carryin the baby of a Beatle," she smiled.
"What! No...no...I don't want a baby of a Beatle! Fuck!"
"Oh calm down," she rolled her eyes.
"I will not calm the fuck down! Last night could've ruined my life forever!" I shouted.
"Ye need to calm down Luc,"
"Yer no help!" I rushed into the living room and dialed Paul's house number.
"Hello?" I heard a little voice say from the other line.
"Hi, who is this?"
"Who are ye?"
"Is this Heather?"
"Yeah...who are ye?"
"A friend of yer dad's,"
"Oh...do ye wanna talk to him?"
"Actually, I wanted to talk to yer mum. Is she home?"
"Yeah...hold on," she took the phone away from her ear. "Mum! Someone's on the phone for ye!"
"Hi Michelle!"
"Who is this?"
"Lucy Campbell...the bird who cut yer husbands hair for eight weeks..."
"Oh hi love. How are ye?"
"Not well..."
"What's wrong?"
"Um...would ye mind meetin up with me,"
"Sure love. Where?"
"I-I don't care,"
"Meet me at the diner on the corner of Evergreen Street,"
"Okay," I whispered as I hung up the phone.
"Where are ye goin?"
"To someone who can actually help me," I sighed. "Zip up my dress," I mumbled.
"Yer really goin out like this?" she asked as she zipped my dress.
"Yes. Bye," I grabbed my shoes and walked out of the apartment.

I made my journey to the diner on the corner of Evergreen. Thankfully the place wasn't that crowded. To be honest the street was more crowded, so it was rather hard to make my way into the diner. Once I finally got inside I managed to find Michelle sitting at an empty booth.

"Hi," I said as I slid into the booth.
"Hi!" I heard a little girl say.
"Are ye Heather?" I chuckled.
"Yes I am!"
"Sorry, Paul's workin, I had to bring her," Michelle smiled. "So what's up?"
"I can't really say it with her here," I whispered through my teeth.
"How bad is it?" she whispered back.
"Okay," she sighed, "Paul's in the studio across the street. I'll be right back. Come on Heather," she mumbled as she picked Heather up.

I sat in the booth anxious as ever waiting for Michelle to return.

"Okay, so what happened?"
"I, um...shagged Ringo..."
"Okay? What's so bad about that?"
"Ellie got me thinkin,"
"She said somethin and-"
"Honey...do ye think yer pregnant?" Michelle laughed.
"I-I don't know,"
"Okay...did he use protection?"
"I don't know! I was too drunk to remember..."
"Knowing Ringo, he probably did. Okay? So ye have absolutely nothin to worry about. Okay?" she chuckled
"So why are ye freakin out? Honestly, if I wasn't with Paul, I'd be shaggin a different man every night," she smirked.
"I don't like bein with people. I've been on my own my entire life and just havin someone is just bizarre to me," I mumbled as I fiddles with my fingers. "So you'd shag a different man every night?" I raised a brow.
"I don't know," she laughed, "I've been with the same guy since I was 14,"
"Wow," my eyes widened.
"Yeah...ye do realize I'm jokin right?"
"About what?"
"Shaggin a different man every night. I love Paul, I don't know what I'd be doin without him or Heather,"
"Don't forget the little thing growin inside ye," I smiled.
"Oh my god, I forgot," she laughed. "But you've got nothin to worry about love,"
"But...what if-"
"Don't worry about the what ifs. I'll make a deal with ye. If for some reason ye are pregnant, then ye can give me a call and say I told ye so. Okay?"
"Okay. Thank ye so much for meetin me out here,"
"Anytime," she got up and gave me a hug. "I have to go get Heather. I don't like leavin her with Paul when he works,"
"I understand. Bye,"
"Bye love,"

We both got up and made our way out of the diner. Michelle walked into the studio while I made my journey home.

"So how was yer little talk with yer mystery friend?"
"Fine I guess," I mumbled as I kicked my shoes off.
"Yer not pregnant. Sorry if I got ye scared,"
"It's fine," I said as I sat on the couch.

A few weeks passed and the fear of being pregnant and Ringo finding me were at the back of my mind. Everyday was just like a normal day. I woke up, went to work with Ellie, dealt with her one night stands, and so on. One day, I was working on Mick Jaggers hair when I suddenly passed out.

"Lucy!" Eleanor yelled.
"What the fuck happened?" Mick asked as he stood up.
"Sh-She passed out..."
"Is she okay?"
"I don't know! Call 999!"
"You call 999," Mick fought.
"Call 999 ye ignorant dick!"
"Fuck off," he slouched in his chair.

Eleanor got up and ran to the nearest phone. She immediately dialed 999 and waited for the ambulance to come and pick me up. The next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital bed with Eleanor at my side.

"Yer awake," she smiled.
"What happened?"
"Ye passed out,"
"I dunno. The doctor has an idea but I think he's crazy,"
"What's his idea?"
"He thinks yer pregnant, but I told him to buggar off,"
"He thinks I'm what!"
"Calm down, he ran 3 test. Two were negative, but the last was positive. He decided to run two more tests. We're waitin for the results now,"
"Okay," I shakily said.
"Oh calm down, two outta the three were negative. Yer fine,"
"But the last one was positive!"
"Yer fine," she rolled her eyes.
"Miss Smith- Oh, Miss Campbell, yer awake, good. We have the results of the tests,"
"They better be negative," I gritted my teeth.
"Seeing the way yer reactin, I wish I could tell ye they're negative,"
"Yeah...congratulations Miss Campbell,"
"I-I can't be," I began crying. "My life is ruined,"
"Hey," Eleanor rubbed my back, "it'll be okay. I'm here to help ye, a-and we don't have to tell Ringo if ye don't want to. Okay? It's all gonna be alright."
"Bring me the phone," I demanded.
"Bring me the phone," I pointed to the phone across the room.
"Ye can get up if yer able to," the doctor said. I took a deep breath and stood up. I stood there for a few minutes before I was able to start walking. I dialed Michelle's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hello?" Michelle said.
"I told you so."

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