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YEAR: 1965

My heart was racing, my palms were sweating, and my breathing seized.

Just do it, I continued saying to myself.

I took a deep breath and walked up to Ringo. There was no going back now.

"Hey Luc-" I cut him off when I planted a passionate kiss on his lips. "Lucy...I-I..." He was speechless. "I thought ye..." he trailed off, still dazed by the kiss.
"I know, I'm sorry. I do wanna be with ye. Ellie's right...I need to stop bein afraid of fallin in love,"
"Go Richie!" John cheered.
"Shut up!" I yelled.
"Ignore him," Ringo sighed.
"We gotta get ye lads ready," Eleanor said as she took ahold of John's sleeve.
"So ye finally came to yer senses," Paul teased as he sat down.
"Oh buggar off," I smiled.
"I knew ye liked him,"
"Yeah yeah, shut it." I finished combing his hair and sent him on his way. "Have fun filmin,"
"Thanks love,"
"Hi," Ringo shyly said as he took a seat.
"Hi," I blushed.
"How are ye feelin?"
"Better...thanks," I started combing his hair. "So Eleanor told me about this nice restaurant-"
"What are ye doin?" he chuckled.
"Well, last night ye said We should do this again sometime. So I'm makin plans for next time,"
"I'd like that,"
"Come on lads," Eppy called.
"See ye later," I waved.
"Bye love," he gave me a kiss, which surprised me. When he pulled away I began blushing and smiling.
"Yer so in love!" Eleanor teased.
"I know," I smiled.

After work Eleanor and I headed home for a relaxing evening. We sat in our pajamas and ate take-out fish and chips while watching the telly. Around 8 o'clock our phone starting ringing.

"Who the hell is callin at this hour?" I complained as I started standing up.
"I got it!" Eleanor panicked as she ran to the phone. "Hello?" she answered. She began blushing and biting her lip; she let out a giggle every once in a while.
"Who's on the phone?" I asked as I took a bite from my fish.
"No one!" she snapped. I got up and walked over to her. "Go away!" she whispered through her teeth. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the phone from her hands.
"Who is this? Why are ye callin?"
"Hi love," I heard a familiar snobby voice say from the other line.
"Hi John," I grumbled.
"Ye want me too now ey?" he laughed.
"In yer dreams. Now why are ye callin,"
"He wanted to..." Eleanor trailed off.
"Oh dear lord," I sighed. "He can shag ye," I said to her, "but yer not spendin the night!" I said to John.
"Yer the best love," he hung up the phone.
"I can't believe ye," I rolled my eyes as I walked back to the couch.
"Well can ye blame me? He's a gorgeous man who wants me!"
"He wants yer body, not you,"
"If ye have such a problem with him comin over then go over Ringo's," she joked.
"Ye know what...I might just do that," I said as I headed for the phone. I dialed Ringo's number and sat through the rings.
"Hello?" he yawned.
"Hey, is this a bad time?"
"No love, yer fine. What's wrong?"
"Ellie's bringin John over and I don't want to hear their gross orgasms through the walls. I was wonderin if I could come over..."
"Sure. Do ye want me to pick ye up?"
"If it's no trouble,"
"Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes. Bye,"
"Bye," I smiled as I hung up the phone.
"Yer gonna fuck him," she smiled.
"Please," I scoffed. "I'm not shaggin anyone for a long time,"
"Why not?"
"Cause I'm not riskin getting pregnant again!"
"Have him use protection," she rolled her eyes.
"Does John use anythin?"
"Exactly! I'm not gonna be as carefree as you! I actually care if I fuck up my life!"
"Yer callin me a fuck up?"
"No! Just-ugh! Why the fuck do I tolerate ye?"
"Why do ye tolerate me? How does anyone? For fuck sake yer a pessimistic, bitter, tight ass with a shitty personality! Yer gonna die alone and ye know it!"
"Fuck you..." I spat as I rushed into my room. I packed a duffle bag of clothes and other essentials and walked back into the living room.
"Where are you goin?" Eleanor asked me; I gladly ignored her. "Where the fuck are ye goin!" She yelled as she grabbed my arm.
"Don't touch me!" Then there was a rapid knock at the door. I walked over and swung the door open. "Have a nice night you two," I sarcastically said as I walked past John.
"Well then," John smirked. "Now let's get to it. Cyn's only out for a few more hours," he walked towards her and grabbed her waist.
"Lucy was right! I'm just an object to ye!"
"What are ye talkin about? I love ye," he lied.
"Oh fine," she smiled as she pulled him into a kiss.


I stormed out to the curb to wait for Ringo; he showed up about 10 minutes later.

"Hey," he got out of the car and hugged me. "What's wrong?"
"Ellie and I had a fight," I growled.
"I'm sorry to hear that...get in the car I can't be out this long, someone's gonna notice me,"
"Okay," I mumbled as I got into the passengers side.

We began driving to his apartment which thankfully wasn't that far away from mine. When we arrived I stormed in after him and threw my duffle bag onto couch.

"Do ye wanna talk about what happened?"
"Not now," I said as I began searching the apartment for a spare blanket.
"What on earth are ye doin?" he chuckled.
"Lookin for a blanket," I pouted.
"Just sleep in my room," he offered, "I'll take the couch,"
"I can't do that, it's yer house, I'm just a guest,"
"No, yer my girlfriend," he smiled, "sleep in my room. Please, I insist,"
"I'm not backin down," he laughed.
"Fine," I rolled my eyes.
"Good. Come on then," he smiled as he picked up my duffle bag.
"Thank you," I whispered as I hugged him.
"Get some rest," he mumbled.

I walked into his room and got settled into his bed. I lay there, wide awake for about an hour, debating whether or not to leave. I eventually sat up and wrapped the duvet around me. I got out of bed and walked into the living room; duvet still clung to me.

"I thought ye went to bed,"
"I couldn't sleep," I said as I walked into the living room.
"Do ye wanna sit down?"
"Yeah..." I said as I sat down next to him. He put his arm around me and I snuggled into him.
"No wonder ye can't sleep, yer freezin to death!" He said as he wrapped another blanket around me. " ye wanna tell me what happened with you and Ellie?"
"I said she was nothing but a sex toy to her boyfriend,"
"Why would ye say that?" he was taken aback.
"Because...she called me, a pessimistic, bitter, tight ass with a shitty personality who's gonna die alone..."
"Yer not gonna die alone," he sounded even more surprised.
"Yes I am," I admitted. "Yer not gonna stay with me and no ones gonna chase me like you did,"
"Who said I'm not gonna stay with ye?"
"I just know..."

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