The Purple Tulip

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YEAR: 1965

"Are ye excited?" Eleanor asked me as she helped me out of the studio after work.
"About what?" I asked a I limped into the car.
"Yer date tonight!"
"Ye know how I am with relationships,"
"That doesn't answer my question," she said as we began driving back home.
"I guess I'm excited," I blushed.
"I knew it! I knew ye liked him!"
"I'm excited for the free food," I scowled.
"Oh please, ye know ye like him. Stop bein scared of gettin him killed," she chuckled.
"That's not funny!" I yelled. "The only person I ever loved died and yer makin jokes! Fuck you!"
"Sorry Luc, but it's true. Ye have to stop bein afraid of gettin people killed. It's such a stupid fear!"
"Look at the evidence Ellie! My mum died when I was 6, my dad died when I was 19, Mark died when I was 21, my brother died last year, and my baby just died. Everyone I love dies...a-and I just don't want anythin bad happening to Richie..."
"Ye loved the baby?"
"I-I dunno...maybe. But it doesn't matter now,"
"Are ye ever gonna try to have kids again?"
"No," I scoffed, "after this date, I'm done with love,"
"Whatever ye say,"

We stayed silent for the rest of the car ride home. Around 5 I started getting ready for my date. I wore a yellow sweater and a pair of white dress pants and yellow slip on shoes. I did some very light make up and stuck in a pair of pearl stud earrings. For my hair, I had Eleanor put my hair into a high pony tail that was tied with a white ribbon.

"Ye look so pretty," Eleanor smiled.
"When is he pickin ye up?"
"He should be here any minute,"
"How are ye handling it?"
"I'm anxious..." Then we heard a knock on the door; my body froze in terror.
"Yer gonna be fine. Come on," she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the door. "She's right here," Eleanor cheered as she opened the door. "Have fun!" she waved goodbye as she closed the door.
"Hi..." Ringo nervously said with his hands behind his back.
"Hi..." I said back. "What's behind yer back?" I asked.
"I, um, got ye this," he blushed as he handed me a purple tulip.
"I love it," I smiled. "Can I go put this in the house real quick?" I anxiously asked.
"Go ahead," he smiled. I gave him a smile back and quickly put the tulip in my apartment.
"Okay, let's go," I smiled as I walked back outside.
"Okay." He put on some sunglasses, to hide his face, and took my hand; it sent shivers down my spine.

Stop it Lucy! Do not fall in love! I thought to myself.

"Are ye okay? Ringo asked.
"Yeah...I'm fine... so where are we going?" I asked as he helped me into the car.
"Well," he started driving, "I wanted to go for a walk in the park, but I think it'd hurt ye too much so I made reservations at a nice restaurant,"
"Sounds nice,"

When we got to the restaurant we were seated right away. We had a few nice discussions along with a few awkward silences. Afterwards, Ringo paid and we were on our way.

"Alright, it's gettin late, I should get ye home," he said as he held me hand.
"I-I wouldn't mind goin for that walk ye talked about..."
"Do ye think you'll be okay?"
"I think so,"
"Alright." Ringo wrapped his arm around my waist and we began taking a slow walk.

We enjoyed the bliss walk through the park. He told me stupid little jokes, and I laughed every once in a while. About halfway through our walk, I got a sharp pain in my stomach. I grabbed Ringo's arm, which made him concerned.

"Hey, hey, hey. Are ye alright?"
"C-Can we sit..."
"Yeah, yeah..." He slowly walked me over to a little bench that over looked a small duck pond. "Breathe," he cooed. "In...out..." He said as he rubbed my back. "Ye okay?"
"I think so,"
"Do ye wanna try standin or do ye wanna wait?"
"I think I can stand." I took ahold of his arm and tried pulling myself up. "I can't do it," I cried.
"It's okay, just stay calm,"
"I am," I said, trying to steady my breathing.
"Come here," he smiled as he snaked his arms under my arms and legs.
"What are ye doin?"
"Ye can't walk..." He mumbled as he picked me up.
"Oh my god!" I yelled as I clung onto him. "What are ye doin?" I chuckled.
"Takin ye home. Ye need to rest,"
"Thanks," I whispered.
"It's no trouble," he continued smiling. He gladly carried me to his car and drove me home.
"This was fun," I smiled as he pulled up to my apartment building.
"We should do this again sometime," she smiled.
"I-I can't..." I whispered.
"I'm so sorry," I cried.
"It's okay...we made a deal..."
"I'm sorry Richie,"
"Do ye need help walkin upstairs?"
"I got it," my voice broke as tears stained my cheeks. "Bye Richie,"
"See ye tomorrow," he pursed his lips as I got out of the car.

I began limping up the stairs to my apartment building. I stumbled inside to find John and Eleanor half naked on the couch. I let out a sigh and leaned against the door frame

"Get out," I demanded.
"Lucy!" Eleanor gasped. "I thought ye were on a date!"
"It ended. Now John, get out!"
"Come on love, let me have a little fun," he laughed. I removed my keys from the lock and threw them at John.
"Fine, my god," he said as he picked up his clothes.
"What's gotten into ye?" Eleanor asked.
"Nothing," I said as I stormed into my room. I sat down on my bed and looked to my cluttered night stand. I noticed the bright purple tulip sitting there. I took a hold of it and smiled.
"Hey," Eleanor said as she walked in, now fully clothed. "What's wrong?" she asked as she sat next to me.
"I like Ringo," I cried.
"That's wonderful! Lucy, honey...stop crying. Ye can't be scared anymore..."
"I know," I said as I held the tulip. "How'd he know?" I mumbled.
"How'd he know what?"
"How'd he know what my favorite flower was?"
"I might've told him," she smiled as she placed her hand on my shoulder. "Thanks," I whispered.
"Yer welcome," she got up and gave me a hug. "Get some sleep," she yawned as she walked out.

The next morning I woke up around 7 so I could get ready for work. Around 8:30 we headed for the studio. As Eleanor walked in, I stood in the doorway frozen in terror.

Okay. Here we go.

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