Bad Luck

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YEAR: 1973

Today's the day. I thought as I sat in my hotel bed. I miss Richie. I pouted as I as stared at the empty space next to me.

"Hi mum!" The boys yelled as they ran into my hotel room.
"Hi guys," I smiled as they tackled me. "Ye guys excited?"
"Yeah! But I thought ye guys were already married..."
"No," I smiled.
"But ye will be!" Jason cheered.
"That's right," I hugged them. "Do ye want to have breakfast with me or yer father?" I asked.
"You," they simultaneously said.
"Alright, come on," I said as I called for room service.

After a few minutes they brought up our breakfast. About halfway through our peaceful meal all the bridesmaids stormed in with dresses, make up, and hair accessories.

"What are ye doin?" I asked with a mouth full of cereal.
"Ye need to get ready," Eleanor mumbled.
"The wedding isn't for 4 hours! I have plenty of time!" All the women began laughing.
"Oh honey it's never enough time," Michelle said.
"I would have killed for 4 hours to get ready!" Jude chuckled. "Come on then,"
"Boys," I said while swallowing my cereal, "go back to yer fathers room, ye gotta get ready,"
"Kay mum,"

They ran out of the room and headed down the hall to where Ringo was getting ready. First Jude did my make up. It was rather simple, some winged eye liner with whitish eye shadow, dark red lipstick and pink blush. Then Eleanor did my hair; she put it into a simple updo. Then Michelle helped me into my dress. Before I knew it, I was a proper bride. When I was finished, I had an hour to kill before the ceremony, so we all sat around and relaxed.

"Hey love," Paul said as he rushed into the hotel room. "Are the kids dressed?" he asked Michelle.
"Yeah," she nodded.
"By the way, the florist wanted to see ye," Paul said to me.
"Okay," I said while getting my shoes on. I left my hotel room and headed to the lobby where the florist was waiting.
"Hi," I smiled and shook his hand.
"Ye look very lovely," he smiled.
"So what do ye need?" I politely asked.
"Where do ye want everything?"
"Outside, scattered, I guess,"
"Please show me,"
"Okay," I mumbled. I hiked up my dress up to my ankles and walked outside with the florist. "Wow," I said as I looked at the gazebo where I'd be getting married. "J-Just put them anywhere,"
"Are ye sure?"
"Mhmm...and the centerpieces...well just put them in the center of tables," I chuckled.
"Will do," he smiled. "Oh, here," he said as he handed me a bouquet of purple tulips.
"Thanks," I smiled and headed back into the hotel.
"Lucy!" The caterer called.
"Yes?" I said while walking into the reception hall.
"Yer order got mixed up. I am so sorry,"
"It's fine," I lied, "I'm sorry I need to get goin," I said as I left the room. I rushed out, with my head down. I took the lift upstairs and began walking back to my hotel room.
"Lucy..." I heard a familiar voice call.
"Richie," I said, looking up to face him. "Yer not suppose to see me," I mumbled. "It's bad luck,"
"Says the woman who has never believed in any superstition,"
"Shut up," I smiled.
"Ye look beautiful," he smiled back.
"Thanks," I said as I twirled the flowers in my hand. "Are the boys ready?"
"Yeah...they wanna take pictures with ye,"
"Then let them take pictures," I said walking back to my room. "By the way, I got ye somethin," I smirked.
"And what's that?"
"A ring," I said while slipping into my room. "Hey, can I have that gift?" I asked Eleanor.
"Yeah," she said as she handed it to me.
"Thanks," I walked back into the hall. "Here," I pursed my lips. He kissed my cheek and opened the gift. It was a ring he had been admiring for a few months; it was fitted just for him.
"I love it," he kissed me and put it on. "I got something for you too," he said as he went back into his room. "Here," he handed me a small box. I opened it up to find a pair of diamond stud earrings.
" didn't need to!" I gave him a tight hug. "I need to go before I start cryin," I smiled. "I love you," I smiled as I walked into my hotel room.

A couple minutes later the boys ran in so they could take pictures.

"Okay you boys look so handsome," I cheered.
"Ye look gorgeous mum!" the said.
"Thanks," I said as I hugged them.

We snapped a few photos and before I knew it we were heading downstairs for the ceremony. We got everyone into formation and got me prepared to walk down the ailse. I took a deep breath and tried not to cry thinking about how no one could walk me down the aisle. Zak saw my eyes get glassy; he decided to hold my hand.

"I'll walk with ye mum," he smiled.
"Really?" I choked out.
"Yeah," he beamed.
"Is everyone ready?" Eleanor double checked.
"Yes," everyone replied.
"Let's do this then,"

The strings began playing as everyone walked down the aisle. All the bridesmaids began walking down the aisle with their groomsmen. Then Stella and Jason walked in front of Zak and I; she was the flower girl and Jason was the ring bearer. Once Zak and I were at the end of the aisle I bent down and kissed his forehead as I thank you for him walking me down.

Then the pastor began setting us up for our vows. Halfway through his speech, it started to rain. All the women screamed in horror about how their hair and make up was getting ruined. But Ringo and I just looked to each other and laughed. The pastor finished up his speech and we said our vows. Before I knew it, I was officially Lucy Starkey. As soon as we kissed we rushed inside, still laughing at the fact that it rained.

"I love you," I chuckled as I kissed Ringo. We were both soaked from the dress and my dress was probably ruined; same went for Ringo's suit but we didn't care.
"I love ye Mrs. Starkey."
"And I love ye Mr. Starkey."

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