The Party

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YEAR: 1964

"Richie," I smiled. "Right?" I raised a brow.
"Yeah..." he smiled. "I-I was wonderin i-if..." I could tell he was nervous. About what? I don't know. He let out a sigh and mumbled, "if I could sit down with you guys."
"Why didn't ye say so mate! Pull up a chair," Paul smiled.
"We were just talking about his family," I mumbled.
"Is that right?" Ringo tried to smile.
"Yeah, his wife sounds lovely," I smiled, "I'd like to meet her sometime,"
"I'm sure she'd like ye a lot," Paul said with a kind smile.
"Yeah...she's really nice," Ringo mumbled.
"Hey Luc!" I heard Eleanor call into the dining car. "The direct-" she stopped in her tacks when she saw me sitting with Paul and Ringo. "Yer sittin with two Beatles..." She mumrmed with wide eyes.
"I am...would ye like to join us?" I chuckled.
"Can I?" she gasped.
"Sure love, pull up a chair," Paul kindly offered.
"Thank ye so much!" she took a seat right next to Paul. "Where did ye get that bracelet?" she asked.
"Oh, my wife gave it to me," he smiled as he fondled with the silver bracelet that sat on his left wrist.
"I forgot ye were married," she chuckled.
"I'm sorry love, what's yer name?"
"Eleanor," she shook Paul's hand, "but, um, she calls my Ellie, y'know for short,"
"Well, it's very nice to meet ye Ellie,"
"Lads," the director called, "we need ye in the storage car,"
"We're comin," Paul said. "It was very nice meetin ye both," he shook our hands.
"Bye," Ringo shyly murmered.
"Oh he's so in love with ye!" Eleanor teased.
"Oh please he's married,"
"Not Paul! Ringo."
"Really?" I twisted my face.
"Do ye like him?" she continued teasing me.
"No...I don't like anyone," I shrugged.

A few weeks passed and before we knew it, it was our last day cutting the fab fours hair.

"Mornin boys," I said as I got everything ready.
"Mornin Lucy," they all cheered.
"So who's goin first?" I asked Paul and Ringo as John and George scurried off to find Eleanor.
"I'll go first," Paul shrugged.
"Fine by me," I grabbed a towel to drape over his shoulders. "So what are ye lads doin today?" I asked as I combed his hair.
"Filmin the concert,"
"Yer family comin?"
"Michelle is but she's leavin Heather with her sister,"
"Why's that?"
"It'd be too loud for her. Her little ears wouldn't be able to handle it," he sighed. "Hey, there's a cast party tonight. Would you and yer friend like to come?"
"Sure," I shrugged, "will there be-"
"Yes, there will be alcohol," he chuckled.
"Then I'm in." I ran the comb through his hazelnut colored hair a few more times before I removed the towel from his shoulders. "Yer all set McCartney," I pat his shoulder.
"Ta love," as soon as he got up, Ringo took his place.
"How are ye today?" he kindly asked me.
"I'm fine," I shrugged. "Are ye excited for her concert?"
"Yeah," he smiled, "yer comin right?"
"I'll try," I smiled. "Still haven't heard any of yer songs. Are ye lads good?" I teased.
"We think so,"
"Can't wait to hear," I draped the towel over his shoulders.
"So are ye comin to the party?"
"Yeah," I said as I combed his hair.
"Can't wait to see ye there,"
"Can't wait to drink," I mumbled.
"Nothin love," I took the towel off and brushed the dead hair off his shoulders. "Good luck," I smiled.
"Ta," he gave me a kind smile and walked out with the rest of the band.
"Oh he is so in love with ye," Eleanor teased.
"Oh shut up," I smiled.
"Excuse me," we heard a lady say from the doorway.
"Hi," I said.
" husband sent me in here. By any chance are either of ye Lucy?"
"I am," I stuck my hand out, "ye must be Michelle," we shook hands.
"So you've heard of me?"
"He never stops talkin about ye and yer daughter,"
"Really?" she blushed.
"Yeah, he adores you guys,"
"Well he should," she laughed, "we've been together for seven years and he picked Heather. I'd be kinda bad if he didn't like us,"
"I-I'm sorry," Eleanor interrupted, "what do ye mean he picked Heather,"
"Oh...she, um...she's adopted,"
"She is!" Eleanor gasped.
"I think it's wonderful ye adopted her," I smiled.
"She was a gift,"
"A gift?" I twisted my face.
"Last year, in America, I had a miscarriage and I was really depressed for a few months. Then for my birthday, Paul flew to America and adopted Heather,"
"Wow...that's so kind,"
"I want a husband like that," Eleanor complained.
"You'll find one," Michelle pat her shoulder.
"Girls, the concerts startin," a stage manager said.
"We're comin," we sighed.

We strolled out of the dressing room and took a seat in the audience. The concert was rather short, no longer than a hour, but unfortunately I didn't hear any of it. People of all ages were screaming at the top of their lungs in hopes that the lads would notice them. After the concert we all said goodbye, even though we would aok see each other again in a few hours.

Eleanor and I went home to our little shared apartment and started getting ready.

"Oh my god ye should wear this!" she said as she threw another dress at me.
"I told ye, I'm wearin the red pinup and that's final!" I groaned.
"Whatever," she rolled her eyes, "I need to get ready,"

About another hour passed and before we knew it we were at Brian Epstein's house for the party. Ellie and I knocked on the door and anxiously waited for someone to open it.

"Hello girls," Brian smiled as he let us in.
"Hey Eppy," I walked in and headed for the kitchen.
"Where is she goin?" Brian asked.
"Booze," Eleanor rolled her eyes as she walked in.
"I see,"

That night was a haze for me; I got hammered as soon as I got there. The next morning I woke up with probably the worse hang over I've ever had. As I sat up in bed, I realized, I wasn't in my house.

Where the fuck am I? I thought.

I looked all around the room in hopes that I'd figure out where I was. Finally my eyes landed on the short man sleeping next to me. My eyes widened as I managed to choke out, in utter terror, "Fuck."

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