3 Years is Enough

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YEAR: 1967

"Hey Luc, I'm headin out!" Ringo called from the living room.
"Alright," I said as I walked in. "What time do ye think you'll be back?"
"I dunno, however long the lads keep me," he smiled. "Why?"
"I just need to know when I should start dinner," I placed my hands on my hips and smiled back.
"Start it around 6, I should be home in time,"
"Alright," I gave him a quick kiss, "have fun,"
"I will. Love ye,"
"Love ye too," I smiled as I walked towards the couch. As I sat there, watching the Ed Sullivan Show, the phone started to ring. "Hello?"
"Who is this?"
"I thought I told ye never to talk to me again,"
"I-I just wanted to see how ye were doin. Y'know with Ringo and everythin,"
"We're fine. Bye Ellie," I started hanging up the phone before I heard her yell.
"Wait! Please I need to talk to ye,"
"About what?"
"John might've gotten me pregnant..."
"I told ye to be more careful! Goodbye Ellie,"
"NO! I need to go."

I hung up the phone and headed for my room to grab my coat. I ran out of the apartment and got into my car. I headed for Michelle's house which thankfully wasn't that far away. Once I got there I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

"Oh...hi Lucy. Would ye like to come in?"
"Yes...would ye mind?"
"No," she yawned as she opened the door.
"Ye seem tired,"
"Yer very observant," she sarcastically said. "I'm sorry, I haven't gotten much sleep lately. Y'know...three kids...ye kinda lose yer mind,"
"Sorry to hear that,"
"So why are ye hear? Yer not pregnant are ye?"
"If I was then I'd be the new vigrin Mary," I chuckled.
"What do ye mean?"
"The last time I had sex was when I got pregnant,"
"Wait! Ye haven't had sex in 3 years!"
"How?" she chuckled.
"I have will power," I smiled.
"So what else is new? Y'know other than ye not havin sex. Anythin new relationship wise?"
"No desire to get a nice little ring," Michelle smiled.
"Oh please, if anyone proposes to me in the next 10 years I'm gonna say no,"
"I don't wanna get married,"
"Then why are ye with Ringo!"
"He makes me happy..." I sighed, "I know I'm wasting his life a-and I feel awful whenever his mates bust on him for not bein married, but..."
"But what?"
"I dunno...I'm just a shitty person I guess,"
"No yer not,"
"Yes I am!"
"Lucy! All Ringo ever wanted was happiness...and he found it with you..."
"But I feel like he's not as happy as he use to be," I bit my lip.
"Ye want him to be happier?"
"Well start by fuckin the man again," she smirked. "Then just...try new things. Like ye tried bein in a relationship and ye said yerself, yer happy as can be. For example, if he proposes...don't say no right away, tell him you'll think about it. And, in the future, if he ever wants kids, talk with him about it, maybe consider it. Okay? Ye have to try not bein afraid of new things,"
"Okay...thanks Michelle,"
"Yer welcome," she said as she hugged me. Then we heard a little infant crying from upstairs.
"I better go," I chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah. Bye," she sighed as she walked upstairs.

I left the house feeling confused; I didn't know what I should do. I took a deep breath and thought I'd start simple.

I drove home in silence. When I got to the apartment I didn't bother making dinner, I just rushed into my room and got changed, then waited for Ringo to get home.

Around 6:30 I heard the door unlock. My body froze in ultimate terror. I brought myself to get off the bed and walk into the living room where I knew he'd be.

"Hi Richie," I said as I leaned against the door frame. His eyes widened as his jaw dropped to the floor.
"Lucy...this is a surprise...Wh-What are ye doin?" I gave him a smile and started walking towards him.
"I was thinkin," I said as I fiddled with the buttons on his shirt, "three years is enough."


"Hey Lucy," Ringo chuckled as he lay next to me.
"Yeah," I smiled.
"I love ye,"
"I love ye too,"
"We should go out to dinner tonight," he smiled as he put his arm around me.
"We should," I said as I snuggled into him.

A few minutes later we got up and started getting dressed. I wanted to wear a pair of tan dress pants and a nice shirt but Ringo stopped me.

"Ye should wear yer black dress. Y'know the one I like," he smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Fine," I rolled my eyes as he kissed my cheek.
"Love you,"
"I know," I laughed. "Let me go, I gotta get dressed,"
"Fine," he said as he finished getting a suit on.

I got dressed in the black pinup Ringo wanted me to wear, along with black heels and diamond earrings. I put my hair up into a high pony and spit curled my bangs.

"Ye look lovely," he smiled.
"Ye don't look too bad yerself," I said as I kissed him.
"Let's go." He grabbed my hand and we walked to the car.

We drove to the restaurant he took me to on our first date. We were seated after a few minutes of waiting, which I didn't mind, and we had a nice dinner. After a nice meal, the waitress brought over a glass of wine.

"Excuse me,"
"I didn't order this," I chuckled.
"Lucy just drink it," Ringo sighed.
"Why? I feel bad drinkin someone else's wine,"
"How much is the glass?" Ringo asked.
"Luc, just drink it, it's no big deal," he waved the waitress away.
I twisted my face and pursed my lips around the edge of the glass. I began drinking the bitter wine and after a few sips I felt something hit my lips.
"What the hell?" I poured the wine into my empty soup bowl and found a diamond ring floating around. "What the fuck is this!" I yelled as I picked up the ring.
"Lucy, please calm down..." he said as his face heated up in embarrassment.
"Richie," I sighed, "ye know how I feel about marriage,"
"I know but I'm sayin we have to get married tomorrow. I just wanted to show ye I wanted to be with ye forever..." he pouted. "If ye don't want it I can take it back to the shop..."
"Ye wanna be with me forever?"
"Yeah," he sighed. "I love ye Lucy..." I looked down at the ring in my hands and cleaned it off with my napkin. "What are ye doin?" he asked with glassy eyes. I ignored him and slid the ring onto my finger.
"I couldn't return such a lovely ring," I sighed. "Guess I'm stuck with it forever," I smiled.
"Wait...ye want-"
"Yes," I said as I kissed his cheek. "I love ye Richie,"
"I love ye too,"
"Let's go home."

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