I Hate You

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YEAR: 1967

"Hey Luc, I gotta head to work. Are ye sure you'll be alright?"
"Mhmm, see ye later," I said while taking a seat on the couch.
"Are ye sure?"
"Worst comes to worse, I go into labor and I end up pullin ye from work early. No big deal,"
"Ye sure?"
"Yes! Go to work!" I chuckled.
"Alright, love ye," he smiled as he kissed my cheek.
"Love ye too," I chuckled.

I don't do much these days. Since it's harder to move and get stuff done I mainly sit on the couch and either read or watch the telly. During a commercial break, I got up to make some tea; Ringo had already left for work. I leaned up against the counter and waited for the kettle to heat up. I began humming a song as I gathered the sugar, creme, and of course, a cup.

"They're gonna put me in the movies," I quietly sang under my breath. "They're gonna make a big star out of me. The biggest fool that ever hit the big time. And all I gotta do is, act nat-" the kettles high pitched whistle cut me off.

I quickly poured a cup and set the kettle back down on the stove. As I stirred in the sugar and creme the baby began kicking. I cracked a small smile and finished making my tea. As I walked back to the couch I felt a tight yet sharp pain coming from my stomach. Thinking it was the baby turning over or kicking I just shrugged it off and sat back down on the couch. The pain kept coming back every couple minutes and I started to become concerned. Then it occurred to me. I was in labor.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I said, trying to stand up from the couch. I made my way over to the phone and quickly dialed the studios number.
"Brian! Where's Richie!"
"Recordin a song. What do ye want?"
"I might be goin into labor," I scowled.
"Might be?"
"Please go get him!"
"Fine," he sighed. I stood there, in agonizing pain for what seemed like forever.
"Hello? Lucy are ye alright?"
"Richie ye need to come home,"
"A-Are ye really goin into labor?"
"If I'm not then somethins wrong! Please come home!"
"I'm on my way," the line went dead.

I waddled back over to couch and waited for him to show up. I tried watching the telly and reading but nothing could distract me from the pain. Eventually I heard Ringo scrambling to unlock the door.

"About fuckin time!" I yelled while standing up from the couch.
"Let's go!" He took ahold of my arm and began rushing me to the car. Once I was in the car Ringo stepped on the gas and we were at the hospital in no time. "Hi...my 'wife' is in labor!"
"Bring her back," the nurse mumbled. "Sit," she sighed as she got me a wheelchair.

Before I knew it I was in a hospital gown and stuck waiting. Several hours passed and eventually everyone showed up at the hospital. Around the 10 hour mark the media showed up at the hospital and began harassing people into letting them into the hospital.

"Okay Lucy, ready?"
"No!" I cried.
"Okay then...push on three. 1...2...3,"
"AHHH!" I shrieked as I squeezed Ringo's hand.
"Breathe love," he cooed.
"Fuck you!" I yelled. "I hate ye," I cried.
"I know," he mumbled. "Yer doin great. Just keep breathing."
And before I knew it, I had a son.
"I hate ye," I smiled at Ringo as they cleaned the baby off.
"I know ye do," he gave me a quick kiss.
"Excuse me," a nurse said. "What do ye want to name him?"
"Zak," I smiled at Ringo.
"Alright," she cheered. "Do ye want me to bring yer friends in?"
"Sure," I said as the doctor handed the baby to me.
"Hi!" Everyone said as they walked in.
"So?" Michelle asked.
"This is Zak," I whispered, still smiling.
"He's adorable," all the girls said.
"Congratulations," Paul and George smiled.
"Thanks," we replied.
"Yer never gonna sleep again," they teased.
"We know..."

A few days later, Zak and I were able to leave the hospital. So we headed home, of course, to our little apartment.

"Welcome home," I said as I carried Zak in. "I know it's not much but y'know what...that's okay. You'll love it, I promise. It's nice and cozy and warm." I began walking him around the apartment and showing him colorful things.
"I hate to leave ye so early with the baby but John wants me at work," Ringo pouted.
"Oh it's fine," I smiled at Zak. "I got him, go to work," I kissed his cheek.
"Thanks," he gave me a quick kiss. "Love ye guys," he kissed Zak's forehead.
"Love ye too," I waved goodbye as he walked out. I looked to Zak in his carried and sighed. "So what now?"

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