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YEAR: 1976

"Guys let's go! We have to get Jason to the hospital by 10! It's 9:45! Let's go! Ow..." I mumbled near the end.
"Still have that headache?" Ringo asked as he carried Lee into the kitchen.
"Yeah..." I sighed.
"Please go to the doctor, it's been a week,"
"No, I'm fine," I whispered as I took a few pain killers.
"I'm sure you are but please, it'll make me feel better..."
"No. Come on Zak!" I yelled. "Shit," I mumbled again.
"I'm fine!"
"I'm here," Zak sighed.
"Great, come on,"


"Alright Jason, just come back with us," the nurse smiled. "Ye guys can stay out here. He should be done in a few hours,"
"Okay, ta," I mumbled.
"Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Starkey, may I speak to ye for a minute?" the doctor asked.
"Uh yeah...sure..." I sat Zak down and sat Lee down in his lap. After Zak agreed not to move we went into an empty room with the doctor. "So what did ye wanna tell us?"
"Um...well...I am obligated to tell ye...y'know...since yer son is so young, we do have to tell"
"Spit it out," I said.
"For this procedure we have to 'knock him out' and we have to do so with 'knock out gas' and considering yer sons age we do have to inform ye that...he might not wake up,"
"Mrs. Starkey-"
"No! Ye never told me that my son could die!"
"Please calm down-"
"I will not calm down!" I cringed when my head started to pound.
"Mrs. Starkey, even though we have only preformed surgery on a few children this young, only a 3 have not woken up,"
"How many children in total have ye preformed surgery on?"
"I dunno...maybe a dozen,"
"Lucy," Ringo grabbed my by the arms and gave me a tight hug. "He'll be fine,"
"Ye don't know that!" I cried. "Shit," I mumbled as I grabbed my head. "Just...please make sure my son wakes up," I dried my eyes.
"We'll do everything we can,"
"Thank ye,"


"Mr. and Mrs. Starkey, his surgery went very well," the doctor said.
"May we see him?" I asked.
"He's still asleep but yes,"
"Thank ye,"

We all walked into his hospital room to find a nurse trying to talk him out of his relaxed state.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I asked.
"We don't know yet 'mam but please remain calm," she soothed.
"Doctor," the nurse whispered.
"His heart rate is decreasing,"
"What?" I started hyperventilating.
"Get them out of here!" she yelled.
"Jason!" I yelled as people started pushing us out of the room.
"This can't be happenin," I cried. "Fuck!" my hands latches onto the sides of my head.
"Please get yer head checked out," Ringo sighed, trying to get his focus off of Jason. "Excuse me," he mumbled as he pulled a nurse aside.
"How may I help ye?" Her eyes widened once she realized who pulled her aside.
"My wife has had a heachache, nonstop for a week. By any chance could she get that checked out?"
"Y-Yes of course Mr. Starr...please come with me, Lucy is it?"
"Well, Lucy, if ye could leave Lee with yer husband we can go get ye checked out,"
"Fine," I sighed as I gave Lee to Ringo.
"I can't believe yer married to Ringo Starr," the nursed quietly cheered as we walked to an empty room.
"Yeah...I'm lucky I guess," I shrugged.
"Okay, breathe in...breathe out..."

She began doing a few simple things; it was like a simple check up.

"Okay we're gonna do a quick cat scan,"
"Come on Lucy," she opened the door.
"No, not until ye tell me why,"
"I just wanna make sure everything is fine,"

I got off of the bed and followed her to the x-ray section of the hospital. She made me change into a hospital gown and remove all of my jewelry. She made me lie down in some machine so the doctor could do a cat scan of my head. After about ten minutes the nurse came back and told me to get back into my normal clothes. While I waited for my test results I met up with Ringo, Lee, and Zak in the hallway. After about five minutes of waiting I decided to go for a walk back to Jason's room. I knocked on his door and thankfully a nurse let me in.

"How is he?"
"He's breathing," she smiled. "We finally got his heart beating at a steady rate and his breathing under control. But um...we did loose him for a minute-"
"Oh he's fine now but we just thought we should inform ye..."

Then we heard a loud gasp coming from Jason's bed; it sounded like he was struggling for air. The nurse rushed over and tried to calm him down.

"Jason..." I smiled.
"Mum," he whispered.
"Oh honey," I ran over to him and gave him a right hug. "I'm so glad yer okay," I cried.
"Mum, my nose,"
"Sorry honey," I smiled.
"I'll leave ye two alone for a minute," the nurse smiled as she left to get a doctor.
"I like yer nose," I chuckled.
"I do too," he wiggled it.
"So...what was it like?" I randomly asked.
"What was what like?"
"Bein dead,"
"Oh...I didn't even know I I guess..."
"Reassuring," I chuckled. "I'm just happy yer okay," I gave him a tight hug.
"Mrs. Starkey, they want ye back in-" a nurse started.
"Okay," I cut her off before Jason got worried. "I'll see ye later,"
"Bye mum," he waved.


"Mrs. Starkey would ye like to come in alone or with yer husband?"
"Alone please,"
"Come on then," he showed me inside of his little office. "Okay, Mrs. Starkey, do ye mind if I call ye Lucy?"
"Go ahead,"
Alright, Lucy, do ye want the news sugar coated or straight to the point?"
"Assumin it's bad, I'd like it straight to the point,"
" have a tumor on the left side of yer brain,"
"What..." I froze.
"At the moment, it appears to be benine so there is no need to worry. We can schedule a surgery sometime in the next few days to get it removed,"
"Wow," I pursed my lips. "C-Can ye bring my husband in? I don't think I could tell him myself,"
"Of course," he whispered. He stepped into the hall for a minute before returning with Ringo.
"So what's wrong?" he asked as he held my hand.
"Would ye like to tell him Lucy or should I?"
"I have cancer-"
"No! I did not say that!" he sighed. "She has a benine tumor on the left side of her brain. We already scheduled a surgery for Wednesday so she can get it removed,"
"Oh my god," he started tearing up.
"Mr. Starkey it's benine. She will be fine. I promise-"
I cut him off, "Ye can't promise anything."

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