I'm Fine

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YEAR: 1965

"Ye were out for a while," he tried to smiled.
"What happened?"
"They said ye passed out from an immense amount of blood loss. The doctors put ye on pain killers. They said you'll be fine in a few days," he explained.
"What are ye doin here?" I rudely interrupted.
"My baby died, I have the right the be here," he mumbled.
"So ye found out," I said as I closed my eyes again.
"Yeah," he pursed his lips.
"Who told ye?"
"Ellie. She explained everythin to me. Why didn't ye tell me? And don't give me any of the I don't wanna be with anyone bullshit,"
"I didn't want it and I didn't want to be with ye...so I was just hopin to never see ye again and just give the thing up when the time came," I fiddled with my fingers. "I'm sorry,"
"Don't be," he placed his hand on top of mine. "Ye were scared...I completely understand,"
"Thank ye..."
"For what?"
"For bein here,"
"It's no trouble," he whispered as he rubbed his thumb against the back of my hand. "What would ye have named it? Y'know...if ye kept it,"
"I don't know," I shrugged, still drowsy from the pain killers. "What would yd have named it?"
"I don't know...Zak maybe," he suggested.
"What if it was a girl?"
"I always liked the name Lee," he smiled, still holding my hand.
"That's cute," I smiled and looked at Ringo. There was a slight look of love in his eyes, it sent shivers down my spine. I quickly looks away and took my hand away from his. "C-Can ye go now?" I whispered.
"What are ye so scared of?" he asked.
"I-I don't like bein in love..."
"Why not?" He reached for my hand again but I moved it.
"Someone I loved, a long time ago..." I trailed off.
"What happened?"
"He died...he was in a car accident,"
"I'm sorry to hear that," he said, "but Lucy...love doesn't always have a bitter end,"
"When yer with me it does," I put my arms over my stomach. "Isn't this the perfect example?"
"Ye should give it another shot," he smiled.
"No," I cried. "I-I don't wanna hurt ye," I sobbed.
"Okay," he shrugged. "Get well Lucy," he got up and kissed my forehead. "I'll see ye soon,"
"Bye," I murmured.

A few lonely days passed and I was finally able to leave the hospital. Eleanor came and picked me up one morning before work.

"Here, I made ye some tea," she said as she handed my a coffee cup.
"Ta," I mumbled and I winced.
"Still hurts to walk?" she asked as she grabbed my arm.
"Yeah," I continued limping. "So how are the lads?"
"Ringo misses ye,"
"Well I know that," I rolled my eyes.
"Paul and George feel awful and John doesn't really care," she explained as she helped me into the car. "They're waitin for us. Come on," she said as she began driving to the studio.

We got to the studio a few minutes after the lads, but they didn't mind.

"Hey! Yer alive!" John cheered as I walked in Eleanor.
"I had a miscarriage John. I wasn't stabbed for fucks sake,"
"Ye should sit down," Ringo said.
"I'm fine," I lied.
"Ye sure?" Paul asked.
"Yeah. Come on, sit. Ye guys have to be filmin in an hour,"
"Sit!" I yelled, cutting Paul off.
"Fine," he huffed as he sat down.
"Yer gonna need a trim," I mumbled as I placed the towel over his shoulders. I gave him his quick haircut and sent him off. Then Ringo sat down.
"Ye really should be restin," he said.
"I'm fine," I said as I draped the towel over him. He just sighed and let my comb his hair. When I was done he quickly stood up and grabbed my hand. "What are ye doin?" I quickly pulled my hand away.
"Ye need to...please just...sit,"
"Fine," I sighed as I set everything down. I limped over to the other side of the chair and took a seat. "There," I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Ye can barley walk," he frowned, "ye really shouldn't be workin,"
"Doesn't matter, I have to,"
"Why are ye so stubborn?"
"I told ye why,"
"No, ye told me why yer afraid of fallin in love,"
"Yer afraid of fallin in love?" George budded in. "If ye don't mind me askin, why?"
"I hurt everyone I love," I simply said.
"Ringo go away," Paul said.
"Just go away for a few minutes,"
"Fine," he twisted his face.
"Look Lucy," Paul said as he twisted my chair around. "It's obvious by now that Ringo cares about ye. Honestly, I've never seen him so in love with anyone. Stop givin him hell! Stop repressing feelings! Okay?"
"No promises," I said as I tried to stand up. I took a few steps but then fell down and began wincing in pain.
"Are ye okay?" Ringo asked as he ran over.
"I'm fine," I said as I grabbed his arm.
"I told ye to sit down," he smiled.
"I know," I cringed as he helped me back into my chair. "Thanks," I signed.
"Anytime." He looked to me and smiled but I could tell, he was nervous about something.
"Are ye okay?"
"I'm suppose to be askin you that!" he laughed.
"No its just...ye seem anxious,"
"Well...I don't want ye gettin hurt," he said with a concerned tone in his voice. "A-And I was wonderin if...never mind," he mumbled.
"Just say it," I smiled, already having an idea what he was going to ask me.
"I was wonderin if ye wanna go out to dinner with me tonight,"
"Richie," I sighed.
"Please! Just one date. And if ye don't like me then we never have to go out again,"
"Please Lucy..."
"I was gonna say yes."

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