I Deserve Nothing

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YEAR: 1967

A couple months passed and Ringo hasn't told anyone, other than Michelle, that he "proposed". One morning, Ringo woke me up, earlier than usual so he could take me to the studio.

"Let's go," he said as he grabbed his keys.
"I'm comin," I sighed.
"Still not feelin well?"
"I'm fine! Let's go,"
We began driving to the studio and about halfway there I felt ill.
"Lucy, I can take ye back home. It's no trouble. They can wait another day to find out,"
"I said I'm fine! Just keep yer eyes on the road,"
"Alright," he sighed.
We arrived at the studio in no time at all. Ringo helped me out of the car and guided me through the studio.
"Hey Richie!" George cheered as he tuned his guitar. "Hey Luc,"
"Hi Georgie," I waved.
"Georgie?" he chuckled.
"I'm yer elder, don't question me," I teased.
"What's that?" George pointed to my finger.
"Oh," I smiled as I fiddled with it.
"Congratulations you two," he smiled as he hugged us.
"Thanks," I blushed. Then it felt like the wind was knocked out of me. I felt light headed and my breathing stopped.
"Lucy are ye okay?" George asked.
"She hasn't been feelin well lately. Come on, let's get ye upstairs,"
"What's upstairs?" I choked out.
"The wives," Ringo chuckled as he led me to the upstairs apartment.
"Hey guys," everyone greeted.
"Hi," I mumbled as Rinog helped me sit down. "Have fun at rehearsal," I said as Ringo kissed my cheek.
"I will. Bye,"
"So?" Michelle asked as soon as Ringo left.
"I said no," I joked as I played with my ring.
"Congratulations," everyone smiled.
"Thanks," I sighed.
"Are ye alright? Ye seen sick," Pattie observed.
"I am,"
"How long have ye been sick?" Michelle asked.
"I don't know...maybe a month,"
"Oh..." she laughed.
"What? I'm confused..." Pattie twisted her face.
"Wait, I wanna see if she knows," Cynthia said.
"Fuck off! I know I'm pregnant," I slouched in my chair. "I hate this," I sighed.
"Does Ringo know?" Michelle asked.
"God no!"
"Lucy! Ye need to tell him!"
"Tell who what?" Paul asked as he brought his kids up.
"Take a guess," Michelle said as she took Stella from his arms.
"What do ye mean?"
"Take a good...long..look at her."
Paul began staring at me with his big hazel eyes. He looked me directly in the eyes after looking me up and down.
"Yer tired, ye look sickly yet ye still have a slight glow to yer skin, yer bloated and seem miserable over all...congratulations,"
"Fuck off McCartney,"
"So ye haven't told him yet?"
"When are ye gonna do it?"
"I don't know when or how or...I just don't know anythin!"
"How long have ye known?"
"I had my first doctor appointment was last week,"
"You've know for three months!"
"Tell him!" Everyone shouted.
"What's all the yellin about?" John asked as he walked upstairs.
"Lucy's pregnant,"
"She is!"
Everyone's head turned to my little fiancé standing in the doorway.
"Richie!" I yelled. He couldn't bring himself to respond. He looked to my with glassy eyes and ran out of the apartment. "Fuck," I said as I ran after him. "Richie come back!" I began chasing him through the studio. He eventually ran out into the street, still ignoring me. "Richard Starkey answer me!" I continued chased him through the street. "Rich-" I started.

I became light headed and stopped running. I leaned up against a building and threw up. When he stopped hearing me, he turned around to see where I went. He found me hunched over, throwing up this mornings breakfast. He immediately walked over and handed me a handkerchief.

"Are ye okay?" he asked.
"No," I cried.
"Why didn't ye tell me Lucy?"
"I wanted to tell ye but I didn't know how..."
"How long have ye known?"
"A few months,"
"Ye could have told me...I wouldn't have told anyone,"
"I wanted to be sure before I said anythin..."
"Come on," he said as he grabbed my waist. "Let's get ye home." He began walking me to his car. Then some fans recognized him.
"RINGO STARR!" they yelled as they ran towards him. Their yelling unfortunately attracted more attention which was extremely inconvenient for me. "WE LOVE YOU!" A bunch of girls said as they bombared us. "Who are you!" The girls harassed me.
"Excuse us," he politely said, trying to get through the crowd.
"YE DON'T DESERVE HIM!" All the psychotic girls yelled.
"Bitch!" One of them yelled as they grabbed me from Ringo's grip.
"Let go of me!" I cried.
"Why should we!"
"Ye wouldn't want the baby of a Beatle to get hurt now would ye?" I spat in their faces.
"Yer stupid nit! Yer not pregnant!" One of them yelled as they took ahold of my left hand.
"LET GO OF HER!" Ringo yelled trying to get through the wall of hormonal girls.
"You don't deserve this ring!" One of them yelled as she snatched my engagement ring from my finger.
"Give me my ring!" I yelled, still being held captive by a few girls.
"You'll have to pry it from my fingers," she spat. Then everything went black.

I woke up, what felt a few minutes after the punch, in a hospital bed. My cheek and eye stung whenever I touched them.

"Yer up," George yawned as he sat up in his chair.
"What happened?"
"It's a long story. Have Richie explain,"
"Okay...what time is it?"
"I don't know...late..."
"Where's Ringo?"
"At home. Sleeping hopefully."
"Why did he leave?"
"He didn't wanna leave but I made him. He was here for two days waiting for ye to wake up,"
"He didn't sleep..."
"No...hopefully he's sleepin now,"
"My ring is back!" I gasped.
"Yeah he got it back for ye,"
"Like I said, have him explain it," he flashed me a smile, "get some rest," he said as he walked out.

The next morning I sat in my hospital bed and waited for someone to visit me; around noon someone did.

"Miss Campbell someone's here to see ye," the nurse mumbled.
"I dunno. She said she was a friend of yers,"
"Okay," I shrugged.
"Come on in," the nurse called into the hall.
"Ellie!" I gasped.
"Get out!"
"Lucy please I wanna be friends again!"
"Ye had yer chance to be my friend again but..."
"But what? Are ye really still mad about what I said two years ago!"
"Yes I am! Ye can go fuck yerself. Leave my room,"
"Yer such a bitch," she scoffed, "I was right...ye don't fuckin deserve any of this! Ye don't deserve Ringo, a family, ye deserve nothin!"
"Get out!" I cried.
"I hope yer baby dies," she hissed.
"I hope yers does too!"
"It already did..." she got up and stormed out of the room.
I put my head in my hands and began to sob. Then I wiped my eyes and placed my hands on my stomach.
"I'm not gonna let anythin bad happen to ye...I promise..."
"Hi," I heard a voice coming from the doorway.
"Hi," I smiled; it was Ringo. "How are ye?"
"Tired," he smiled. "How are ye feelin? No sharp pains...no bleedin...please tell me nothing's wrong,"
"Don't worry, I'm fine," I reassured him.
"That's good," he sighed.
"So what happened?"
"Well...I saw ye get punched and I just lost it. I began yelling for a policeman and thankfully there were a few hangin around the studio. They immediately ran into the crowd to help ye and they made that girl return yer ring. Next thing I remember is ye getting taken away in an ambulance and the girl being pushed into a police car,"
"Wow..." I stared at the tired man that sat next to me. "How'd I get so lucky?"
"I'm the lucky one," he smiled. "I have a beautiful wife and a kid on the way,"
"Wife?" I was taken aback.
"It's just easier to say than fiancé. I'm sorry...do ye want me to stick to fiancé?"
"Y'know...wife does have a good ring to it," I smiled. "This doesn't mean I'm gonna get married,"
"I know," he took a hold of my hand and kissed it.
"I don't deserve ye..."
"Stop it! Ye deserve the world...at least in my eyes ye do,"
"I love you...do ye know that?"
"I love ye too," he gave me a quick kiss.
"Yer the best husband anyone could ever ask for,"
"Well...it's like wife...it has a nice ring to it."

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