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Sometimes when I get caught up
In your eyes,
In the back of my mind.
Time seems to stand still
And everyone else is living
But I can't seem to.
And I finally understand
Why people don't want feelings
Because mine are confusing me
And sometimes I wonder
If I'm leading myself on
With dreams of you
Your hand in mine
Perfect scenarios.
And I get caught up
In the little story
I keep going in my head.
I think I understand where you come from
Always in your head
Because sometimes
The world inside my head
Is more beautiful
Than the world outside of it.
What if everyone
Lives inside of their heads
And actual reality slips away
While we so desperately try
To build a new one
So we can try to be happy.
Maybe Abraham Lincoln was right
When he said
The pursuit of happiness
Without the promise
That we will actually gain
True happiness.
Because if we can't face actual reality
How can we see true happiness.
And maybe
As I go deeper in my thoughts,
We think true happiness
Lays in our heads,
Our perfect alternate realities.
We are so blinded to the fact
That its standing right in front of us
Because we don't really want to see what's right in front of us.
Only the few
Who are brave enough
To live in the real world
Can see for themselves
If it exists
Or if it doesn't

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