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I smiled at you
But all you saw was her
You're like smoke
First you're here
Then you're gone
You know me
Caught up in a dream
Could you dream of me too
You're my morning cup of coffee
You're my Friday night buzz
Your eyes were like a warm blanket
On a snowy day
Like my favorite hot chocolate
Soothes the soul
Your smile
It freaking lights up the whole room
And every time you touch me
It's like an electric current
Courses through my very being
And you leave me with a smile on my face
Maybe the universe is on our side
The Milky Way glistens when I think about you
Because I can't help but think
There is something bigger than ourselves
But you tilt your head toward her
I feel the stars drop
And the cold snowflakes swirl around my heart
And the wind tearing at my hair
And the electric current is sucked out of me
Leaving me breathless and empty
Yet the smile remains
Because I know you don't do it on purpose
Because I never told you
And somehow
Despite all odds
The stars still glisten

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