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Your somewhat brown, somewhat hazel eyes with flecks of gold
The way your mouth forms a smile
Your contagious laugh
How you absentmindedly touch me
On the arm
Or nudge me when you get excited
You are not afraid to hug people in public
You accept others
You always wear the same pair of nikes
You are so dedicated to your sport
I find myself looking forward to seeing you
Climbing the stairs one by one
Wondering if I will get to class first
Or if you will already be here
My eyes willing you to touch my shoulder
Or play with my hair
You told me about your girl problems
How you don't want a relationship right now
I told you I'm sorry
But I was so glad
Because she doesn't appreciate your eyes
Or your smile
Or your laugh
Or they way you pour yourself into your classes
How you have a good relationship with your parents
How your eyes squint when you tell a funny joke
How you help people
Genuinely wanting them to succeed
I like you
I just can't tell you

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