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Burned into my mind

Tattooed on my eyelids 

Impressed in my skin for eternity 

Our little moments 

Silhouetted by fairy lights 

I will never forget 

My hands running through you hair

Us, intertwined under the comforter 

Skin against skin 

How inherent the feeling is 

Yet new enough to give me goosebumps 

Crawling up my skin like my love pours out of my heart 

For you 

A passion burning like the night hours we spend together

You are the only one who makes me believe in magic 

Touch me again and never stop 

I am yours and you are mine 

Today and for the rest of our tomorrows 

I am scorched by our moments 

Visible only to me and you 

I will choose again and again 

To end the day and start a new one 

Laying with my head against your heart

Praying that with each beat 

I am somewhere in the rhythm 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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