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Today I listen to my
Songs to fall in love to
Playlist for the first time in five months
And I know for some it seems trivial
But it is an extreme victory
For me
Because I love too deeply
And too fast
And I take a long while to heal
So when I found myself in the mood
To listen to love songs
I got goosebumps and smiled to myself
I'm okay
My heart no longer has cracks the size of the Grand Canyon
They are now spider like cracks
Small and manageable
I'm finally okay
Kiss me slowly by parachute
I found myself singing along
And I know after everything my heart has been through
All the people I've cared about
And have broken my heart
Used me
Walked over me
I'm okay
I continue on
And now I'm smiling and listening to love songs again
I hope you too
Will find it in yourself to hum along
To songs about kisses and night skies

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