The first time I really saw you
Cladded in black, dimly lit, one hand on ropes while the other rested on your cocked hip
Not the ever so quiet person who sat diagonally to the left in front of me during stats
Who did the numbers so easily in his head that I struggled to understand daily I really saw you
Somewhat mysterious as my mind fabricated stories of what you were like
Wondering if the off chance of us actually talking could happen I couldn't see the tiniest of sparks already flying between us
But soon the distance of us being acquaintances closed
Our conversations flourished like buds of flowers opening for the first time
My ice cold heart, afraid of being hurt again afraid of being used and walked over like the many times before It opened just the tiniest bit
Like my favorite flower, you were the ray of sunshine You reached through the cracks and slowly started to warm my icy heart
How did I never notice you
With eyes like the sea on my favorite beach
Your smile like a cozy blanket on a frigid night
The dimples the creep onto your cheeks make me want to smile even wider
Your calm spirit helps my dark ominous doubts melt away
Your heart is so big
Your kindness seeps out of you the same way the sun warms a glass window
You never know how warm it is, until you get close enough
You are extremely intuitive and considerate
Always putting others above yourself
I didn't know how happy I could be until I met you
I didn't know that while I stargazed alone, how much better it is with someone next to you
Your heartbeat is my favorite to listen to
Sunsets, late night popcorn runs, mix tapes with the windows down, country roads
Everything is better with you
You turned my black and white world into fluorescent colors
You filled me with a new sense of happiness
I never want to let go because what we have can beat even the worse of times
You still don't know how dark I can get, insecurities seeping in, like lungs struggling to breath
But I have no doubt that we are meant to be in all sense of the phrase
Because you are you
No amount of writing or figurative language can paint the picture of how much you mean to me
But you'll see someday
Poesia(n.) difficulty describing feelings toward other people A mixture of poetry and late night thoughts by yours truly