Does the startle in my stomach
The dead stop of my heart
The breath sucked out of me
When I see you
Does it mean that I love you
Or that I am scared of the thought
Of me being in love
Of having a future with you
The feeling when someone says boo
When they are waiting for you to turn a corner
Is the same feeling I get when I see you
I don't know what that means
Why I get this feeling
Why you make me feel this way
The startle when you have to step on your brake
To avoid hitting something
That's the feeling
A deer in the headlights
When a basketball hits your stomach
And the air is temporarily out of your lungs
The feeling
When I look into your eyes
And see that gorgeous smile
It's catastrophic
How shaken up I get when I see you
And I don't know if it's bad
Or if it's horrifically good
Perfectly placed
It's not butterflies
But whatever you give me
Leaves me quite literally breathless
Poesía(n.) difficulty describing feelings toward other people A mixture of poetry and late night thoughts by yours truly