Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Mummy! Daddy! Can you teach me some maker magic...please?"
"Sure, which one do you want to learn?" daddy asked.
"All of them!"

~On a field~

"I'm going to teach you a very powerful spell. Your mother and I made this one ourselves. Let me demonstrate for you... 'Forbidden Rose: Combination Spiral!'" he exclaimed.

Then a beautiful combination of all the maker magics came bursting out. The flamboyant creation looked like a spiral yet like a rose. When it finally disappeared, almost everything was either damaged or gone.

"This spell will only eliminate your enemies or anything you find dangerous but if you're not strong enough, you'll get partly injured yourself," warned daddy.
"Marc, don't you think she's too young to learn that?" mummy asked.
"Yeah...maybe you can learn it in a few months."
"Okay daddy"

~At home~

My mummy and daddy were dancing together in time to the music as I sat there watching them. It was such a peaceful, happy moment. Suddenly, loud piercing screams and thunderous crashes could be heard.

"W-what was that?"
"Stay in here, sweetie. Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back," mummy told me.

I just nodded and looked out the window, feeling terrified. My mummy and daddy were famous for having lots of different maker magic and for their teamwork and strength. I had faith in them.

~A few minutes later~

I heard my parents' screams and quickly ran out the door. What I saw in front of me was enough to keep me frozen in place. My parents were being killed by a gigantic beast that I only saw in books. This monster's name was... 'Deliora'.

I was scared, so I ran and ran until I came to a clearing in the forest. I couldn't hear the terrible screams anymore.

"What are you doing out here by yourself, child?"
"W-who's there? Where are you?"

Straight after I said that, a beautiful, ice blue dragon appeared in front of me.

"Where are your parents?"
"They...were Deliora."

The dragon seemed to look at me in pity while I just continued staring at the cold ground.

"How about I become your mother? I will teach you how to read and write and teach you dragon slaying magic." "R-really?! I-I mean, y-yes please..."
"So tell me, what's your name? I'm Glaciana."
"My name's (Y/n) (L/n)."
"Well (Y/n), what magic do you know?" "Maker magic from my parents and reflector from my cousin. I was also born with aera magic."
"They'll come in useful. Let's start training."

(A/N): Sorry for this short chapter but they might all be like this.

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