Sad Ending

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(Y/n)'s POV

~In the morning at the guild~

"Mira, can I please have a glass of grape juice?"

She handed me the drink. I quietly sipped on the drink before I decided to go choose a job to do by myself. I found a pretty decent job. It said to help decorate a town for an upcoming festival. I left the guild. I arrived at the train station. Apparently to get there, it would take about 3 - 4 hours. I got on the train and sat in an empty seat. Afterwards, I immediately fell asleep.

~About 2 - 3 hours later~

I woke up to find that I was lying on someone's shoulder. It was Sting's.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that."
"No, it's fine," he replied.
"Where are you going?"
"Oh, I'm just going back to Sabertooth."
"I was wondering...why aren't you motion sick?"
"Oh...I kind of ate one of those pieces of healing ice in your bag thinking it was a giant piece of candy," he replied with a slightly embarrassed face. I laughed.
"Where are you going?" he asked.
"I'm just going to this town to help them decorate for an upcoming festival."
"Mind if I come along too? I have nothing better to do."
"Yeah, sure."

We arrived at the town. People were too busy putting up the decorations for the festival to notice us.

"Hi Sting! I managed to find her. That (Y/n) you were looking for. Didn't you always say that you wished to have a girlfriend like her too? Isn't that why you were looking for her, because you wanted to ask her if she knew anyone?" Lector asked.
"It's okay. I don't mind. I'm sorry but I don't know anyone that you have in mind."

He simply nodded and looked away. I made little stars out of crystal and then hung them up. I then created little balls of fire and shot them into the sky. I also made streamers out of water and hung them up. I built little ice sculptures and put them around the place. I got carried away with decorating that I didn't notice everyone gather around to watch me. When I was done, I heard loud applause.

"Thank you so much. You've been a great help," said the mayor of this town.
"You're welcome."

I started walking towards the train station, but was stopped when someone grabbed my arm.

"Oh, bye Sting." I kissed him on the cheek.
"I hope you find your dream girlfriend." He just stood there. I walked away.

~At the guild~

Everything was in chaos. Another dark guild was attacking Fairy Tail and they were, for some reason, targeting Gray. He didn't look like he was gonna win. Everyone in Fairy Tail was having a hard time. I got into serious mode.

"Look, here comes the desert rose," exclaimed their master.
"Surrender or face a slow and painful death."
"Why would we listen to a little girl?" I glanced at everyone else but at Gray in particular. The master noticed that.
"Oh, I see that you're worried about your boyfriend. We're only targeting him to get to you." I was furious.
"Ice crystal dragon's death roar!"

Some dark guild members were knocked out but more came. Then, a gigantic monster came. It was Deliora. I saw the master smile. My expression was full of hatred. It started to go after Gray.

"Ice crystal dragon's talons of death!"

It had no effect. I knew that none of my attacks would work so I had to use the one that I feared to use. It took away the caster's life. It was like iced shell but it used all of my magic and was much stronger. Instead of being turned into ice, I will die and turn into dust and never exist again. I decided to do that spell in order to save everyone and in particular, Gray. I cried a silent tear. I stood in a position similar to iced shell. Immediately, Gray knew what I was doing. Ha, of course he would know. I told him about this once. He was yelling at me to stop but I didn't.

"Reflector of light, caged magic!"

Deliora froze and was surrounded by magic - my magic - and then it went silent. I fell but Gray caught me.

"You can't die..." he said quieyly.
"I will. You can't change fate. Keep on living, I will always remain in your heart. I always have and always will love you." I closed my eyes and felt my life disappear.

Gray's POV

I watched her turn into dust and die in my arms. "(Y/n)!" I cried.

~1 - 2 years later~

I never opened up to anyone, not after that day. Everything went back to normal but some people would occasionally think about when (Y/n) died. I missed her. I never got to say how I felt about her...

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