Chapter 21

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(Y/n)'s POV

~At Demonic Soul's inn~

I had gone to their guild to take revenge. They deserved to die for what they did to my friends.

"Look at this, a little girl coming here for revenge," exclaimed Demonic Soul's master.
"Shut up. Swear that you'll never hurt Fairy Tail again or face the consequences."
"What if I refuse to?"
"I'll destroy you."
"Jasper (his pain magic servant), stop her."

I immediately felt extreme pain throughout my body. I fell to my knees.

"N-no matter...what to me...I will avenge...them! Ice crystal dragon's wing slash! Water make blinding slash!"

That Jasper dude was down. I couldn't help thinking that everyone in Demonic Soul was very weak.

"You'll regret what you've done to my son. Hiko, get her!"
"Requip! Demon armour!"
"You have the same magic as Erza but I doubt you're as strong as her! Fire make death griffon!"

The flaming griffon attacked Hiko but was soon distinguished. I cursed under my breath.

"Earth make raging rock monster!"

The monster attacked him but after a while, Hiko destroyed it.

"Requip! Sword strength!"

I quickly made a sword out of ice and crystal with flames on it. I also used my ice magic to change into something more comfortable. Our swords clashed together but his one broke so he made another one. We kept attacking each other but no one was winning. Finally, a strong opponent. I felt immense pain again but only in my hip this time. When I looked behind, someone had stabbed me but I just pulled it out and covered the wound in ice. I kept on attacking Hiko.

"Ice crystal dragon's death roar!"
"T-that hurt."
"I'm glad it did. Ice crystal dragon's blazing blizzard of death!"

Hiko was down. Suddenly, someone started controlling me. I glanced at their master, he was doing it. I couldn't move. He threw daggers at me. It hurt so much, I felt like I was going to die.

"I-I won' easily!"

I quickly threw a sharp piece of ice at him. He stopped controlling me. I quickly healed myself but it wasn't enough.

"If you keep hurting my comrades, I won't hesitate to come back." I left.

~At my inn~

"Where have you been?" Natsu asked.
"Walking around."
"You smell like Demonic Soul's master."

I sat down at the table. I smelt poison. I then realised it was coming from me. He must've put poison on one of his daggers. I got up and walked past everyone but then collapsed.

"Y/n)!" Gray exclaimed. He caught me in his arms.
"Wendy, heal her!"
"I'm on it."
"Don't exhaust yourself too much Wendy," said Carla.

In a few minutes, I woke up. I felt someone wrap their arms around me.

"What did you do?" Makarov asked.
"I went over to Demonic Soul's inn. I'm sorry."
"It's fine as long as you're okay. Just don't do it again."
"I shouldn't have worried you, Gray."
"I should've been the one to get poisoned. I'm sorry I wasn't there," he said softly.
"I didn't want you to get hurt because of me."

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