Chapter 6

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(A/N): I'll be making these places up. Hope you don't mind.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Do you want to try it?" Gray asked.

He was offering me takoyaki, something that I have always been dying to try.

"Yes please!"

I plopped the little thing into my mouth. It was delicious!

"Thanks Gray. I don't know anyone who would've done that for me."
"It's fine, don't mention it."

After eating a few more, we went to the park to try the mini competitions. I looked at all the various stalls that were put up.

"Which one do you want to do?" asked Gray.
"I want to try that one. The one where you have to catch as many fish as possible in 2 minutes."
"Okay, let's go."

We had so much fun doing all the mini competitions. While doing this, I got to know him better. It turned out that his parents were also killed by a terribly beast.

~At night~

We were on a hill gazing at the stars until I decided to tell him.

"Um, Gray?""
"The reason that people hate me is because of my magic: ice crystal dragon slayer, aera, reflector and lots of different maker magics. I'll understand if you hate me as well."
"That's amazing! I've never met someone with so many different types of magic. If those people don't understand and keep hurting you, they'll have a slow and painful death."

I laughed. There was a rustling in the bushes.

"Who's there?" Gray asked.

I wouldn't have mistaken that scent anywhere.

"Cousin!" I basically tackled him to the ground.
"I missed you so much, Midnight."
"I missed you too," he replied while holding me tight.

My cousin used to be part of the Oracion Seis but it was disbanded. When he got up, I realised that Gray and Midnight were glaring daggers into each other's eyes. Then it soon dawned on me that Midnight used to be bad.

We were walking to my apartment but they were still glaring at each other. I sighed heavily. When will they get over it?

"I'm sorry but I have to continue with my journey. I'll see you again, I promise," Midnight exclaimed.
"Oh...bye then. Don't forget to visit me."
"Bye." I'm going to miss him.

~A few minutes later~

"Why don't you eat something? I'm sure he'll come back," Gray said in order to cheer me up.

I was about to say something when he shoved something into my mouth. It was a piece of fish. That was when I got my appetite back.

~Bed time~

"Can I stay here for the night? I can't be bothered going back to my apartment."

When I got into bed, I felt something wrap around me. I immediately blushed and tensed up once I realised that it was Gray.

"Good night," Gray exclaimed sleepily. "G-good night."

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