Chapter 20

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(Y/n)'s POV

~The next day at Domus Flau~

"Welcome back to the fourth day of the Grand Magic Games! Today, the challenge will be tag battles. First up is Mermaid Heel's Kagura Mikazuchi and Risley vs Sabertooth's twin dragons. Let the battle begin!" Chapati announced.
"White/shadow dragon's roar!" (Sting and Rogue)

Risley was down. I was surprised at how weak she was. The two dragon slayers started to go after Kagura. They tried whatever they could but she kept dodging. Kagura was too fast. Then she used her gravity altering to make Sting and Rogue fall to their knees but they still got up.

"Holy shadow dragon fang flash!"

That was so cool...this is the first time I've seen a unison raid. The attack hit her but she was still standing. She used her unsheathed sword to attack them.

"Holy breath of the white dragon!" Sting exclaimed.
"Slash of the shadow dragon!"

Kagura was hurt but refused to lose. When she was about to attack them, the bell rang. Time was up.

"It's a tie! Both teams get 5 points each. The next match is Fairy Tail's Erza Scarlet and Natsu Dragneel versus Demonic Soul's Miyuki Shashigi and Zuki Tagishi. Let the battle begin!"
"Take over! Animal soul! Leopard!" (Zuki)
"Water make scythe!" (Miyuki)

Erza and Natsu quickly dodged.

"Requip! Flight armour!"

Erza was battling Zuki while Natsu was fighting Miyuki.

"Fire dragon's iron fist!"
"Water make battle axe!"

Natsu just grabbed on to it despite having his fire put out. Then I saw their master tell one of his servants to use his pain magic to help Mizuki and Zuki. Erza and Natsu were under immense pain. I was furious. Nobody got away with hurting my comrades. I jumped down into the arena and started battling in serious mode.

"Forbidden rose: combination spiral!"

When the dust cleared, Miyuki and Zuki were down and severely injured. Natsu and Erza's pain was gone.

No one gets away with hurting my comrades! You will pay for what you've done, master of Demonic Soul!"
"What is happening here?" Chapati asked.
"That master of theirs tried to cheat and I believe that he took control of Lucy to make their guild win in the first battle!"
"We'll deal with this later. Fairy Tail wins this battle! The next match is Lamia Scale's Toby Horhorta and Yuka Suzuki versus Blue Pegasus's Ren Akatsuki and Nichiya. Let the battle begin!"

Toby used his claws to try to scratch Nichiya but ended up scratching Yuka. Nichiya had grabbed him before he was hit. Yuka was down.

"Hey Toby, you have something on your head," exclaimed Ren.
"What is it?" Toby asked.

Like the idiot he was, he touched his forehead and got hit himself due to his poisonous nails.

"Blue Pegasus wins! In first place is Fairy Tail with 32 points, in second place is Lamia Scale with 28 points, in third place is Blue Pegasus also with 28 points, in fourth place is Sabertooth with 20 points, in fifth place is Demonic Soul with 20 points also and in last place is Mermaid Heel with 11 points."

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