Chapter 5

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(Y/n)'s POV

~A few years later~

"Come back here, you monster!" a man yelled.

I ran and ran until I tripped over a brick laying on the ground.

"P-please don't hurt me anymore."

They were getting ready to hit me with their stone-hard bread sticks until...

"Why are you hurting her?"
"Haven't you heard? She's a monster," the chubby man replied.
"She doesn't seem like one."
"She is."

Without another thought, the three villagers were about to hit me again. I shut my eyes, waiting for their attacks to come but...

"Ice make floor!"

The ground turned to ice, causing the villagers to fall over.

"I'm Gray," the black-haired male exclaimed with a small smile.
"I-I'm (Y/n)."
"You don't have to be so scared. I won't hurt you."

I flinched in pain when more magical attacks were sent at me.

"Ice make shield!"

Unexpectedly, Gray picked me up and asked, "would you like to join Fairy Tail?"
"I don't think they'll like me."
They will, trust me."

When we arrived, a table was thrown at us but Gray dodged just in time. There was also a lot of noise. The atmosphere in here was kind and heartwarming, like a home.

"Hey Gramps. (Y/n) would like to join Fairy Tail," Gray said.
"What powers do you have?" the old man known as 'gramps' asked.
"It's okay, feel free to tell me later. So where would you like your stamp? The colour will be based on your personality and/or magic."
"Left shoulder please."
"Mira, get the stamp."

When it was finished, my fairy tail mark was white that gradually changed to blue with a hint of purple.

"Wow, that's a cool guild mark," Mira commented.

~ A few minutes later~

I was sitting at a table, drinking lemonade until Gray walked over.

"I don't get why you didn't use your magic. I could sense a lot of magic power coming from you."
"I uh I...look at the time, I have to go." Then I rush out of the guild.

~ A few minutes later~

I am at home in my new apartment writing the novel that I just recently started writing. I have been working on it for about 2 hours now. My stomach grumbled. I realised that I was starving so I went out to get some food.

~At a sushi stand~

"Can I have one ebi tempura please?"
"Sure. $2 please," the woman said.

I hand her the money before sitting on a small bench near a park.

"Hey," greeted Gray.
"Oh, hi Gray."
"I was wondering if you'd like a tour of the place."

I already knew the town but accepted anyway, there was nothing else to do. And besides, I did not want to get attacked again because of my magic.

"We'll go now."

(A/N): I hope you're enjoying it so far :)

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