Chapter 24

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was walking along the streets of Magnolia. Then an exceed with a frog costume walked up to me.

"I-I'm lost."
"Oh, I'm (Y/n). I can take you to your destination if you want."
"I'm Frosch. T-thank you."
"Where do you want to go?"
"I want to go back to Rogue." I remembered that shadow dragon slayer.
"Are you unwell?"
"No, I'm fine. Let's go."

I picked him up and started looking around. I was walking around for 20 minutes until I heard him.

"Let go of Frosch!" Rogue ordered. He was about to attack me when Frosch stopped him.

"Don't hurt her. She was trying to help me."
"Y-you were?"
"Yeah. If you didn't like me going near your friends then I won't do it again."

I was about to leave until he grabbed onto my arm.

"T-thank you. I'm sorry I did all those things to your guild," he apologised shyly.
"Why are you apologising?"
"I didn't know that all you people were that kind."
"It's fine. See you around."
"Yeah, bye." Then I felt something hug my leg.
"Don't go," Frosch exclaimed sadly. I knelt down to his height.
"I'll see you around sometime, okay?" He gave me one last hug before running to Rogue.
"Bye (Y/n)." (Rogue/Frosch)

I started walking around the streets again until I bumped into an old woman.

"Please help us. I can't do all the chores by myself. I have to take care of 7 children," she said.
"Okay, sure."
"Thank you so much!"

~1 or 2 hours later~

"We're here. Just make yourself at home. You'll be doing all the chores here," the old woman told me.
"All the chores?!"
"Yeah, what did you expect? Relaxing? Now get to work."

*sigh* What have I gotten myself into? I started on the chores. At least the old woman isn't terribly bad.

~2 months later at the guild~

"Face it Gray, she's dead. She hasn't come back to the guild and she didn't tell us anything," Natsu said.
(Y/n) is not dead!" Gray yelled before running out of the guild.

~At night~

I leaned against a tree in the garden, silently crying. I want to go back. I heard footsteps and then someone hugged me from behind. More tears welled up in my eyes. It was Gray. He turned me around and wiped my tears away.

"You don't have to tell me. I know," he said softly.
"G-Gray..." I cried into his chest.
"Who's there?" asked the old woman with her family.
"Why did you do that to her?" Gray asked angrily.
"She was the one that offered to help," replied the old man.
"No, you were the ones that 'tortured' her. Come on (Y/n), let's go."
"Oh no you don't!"
"Ice make floor!" (Gray)

The family slipped. Gray took this chance and carried me away.

~At the guild~

"(Y/-(Y/n)?!" everyone yelled, clearly surprised.
"I-I'm sorry."
"You don't have to explain. I already know," Makarov said.
"Thank you."

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