Chapter 25

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(Y/n)'s POV

~At the guild in the morning~

I decided to choose a job and take Gray with me so I walked up to the request board. For some reason, Gray wasn't at the guild. After a while of deciding, I picked a decent job. It said to help clean and decorate a town. I sat down at a table, waiting for Gray to come.

~10 minutes later~

Gray still wasn't here yet. I got bored and went to a park. I decided to practice a bit of my magic. Apparently, some other people from the guild wanted to come too.

"So, who wants to fight me?"
"I will. I want to find out who's stronger out of the two of us," Erza replied.
"Requip! Heaven's Wheel Armour!"

Erza shot some swords at me but I used my reflector to deflect them.

"Requip! Flight armour!"

She slashed her sword at me with lightning speed. I barelt managed to dodge the attack.

"Ice crystal dragon's crimson rose attack!"

A thousand roses (made out of ice and crystal with a hint of ice pink colour) started to go towards her with sharp thorns. She cut them but that just released the poison which worsened one's ability to fight. I was immune to the poison. Erza held her breath and started to attack me with all her strength and she was strong. I made ice claws/daggers and started attacking her. She couldn't hold her breath any longer and almost instantly, became really bad. I punched her a few times before she fell down, defeated.

"(Y/n) is the winner!" exclaimed Makarov.
"Thank you for coming along but I have to go find Gray." I ran off.

~A few minutes later~

I was still walking through the streets of Magnolia, searching for a certain ice mage. I decided to go buy some (f/f) ice cream. I spotted Gray on the other side of the street.

"Hey Gray! Do you want to go on this job with me?" He had an irritated look on his face.
"Why do you always follow me around?! You're just like an annoying little insect! You're so bothersome! Go away, I never want to see you again!" he said angrily before storming off.

My ice cream dropped. I fell to the ground and cried silently. W-what did I do wrong?....Suddenly, someone hugged me from behind.
"You shouldn't bother him on this day. It's the anniversary of when his teacher, Ur, died."

He carried me home and put me down. I fell asleep straight away but he couldn't be bothered to go back to his house so he just fell asleep on the couch.

~The next day~

"Um, Natsu?"
"Yeah?" he asked in a sleepy voice.
"Could you please give this to Gray? I'll be going somewhere for a while."

Natsu's POV

~At the guild~

I wonder why (Y/n) can't just tell him herself. When I saw Gray come in, I threw the letter to him. I secretly read behind his shoulder.
Dear Gray,
I never knew that that was how you felt about me. I won't interfere with your life again, maybe you can even start going out with Juvia. I won't be coming back to the guild for a while, I have a feeling that you'll know where to find me, not that you ever need to. Goodbye Gray...
Gray immediately ran off after reading that letter.

(Y/n)'s POV

I decided to help people that might be in trouble for about 1 or 2 years. Hopefully, that'll give Gray enough time to forget about me. I was staying at an inn called 'Cherry Blossom'.

~At night~

I was standing on the balcony staring at the stars until I heard the door to my room open. Someone hugged me from behind.

"G-Gray? What are you doing here?" "I'm sorry. I didn't mean all those things that I said to you and I don't plan on going out with Juvia and leaving you. Please...forgive me," he said guilty.
"...I forgive you."

He turned me around and wiped my tears away. Then unexpected, he kissed me.

"Please come back," he pleaded.
"I will." He smiled. The next day, we went back to the Fairy Tail.

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