Chapter 23

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Thank you for winning me the 30- I mean, for becoming the strongest guild in Fiore. Let's celebrate!" Makarov exclaimed. Everyone cheered, but I was bored.
"Hey guys, can I come along too?" "Sure," Lucy replied.

I walked with them to the train station.

"H-hey (Y/n), c-can...I have...some o-of that...healing ice a-again?" Natsu asked.

I handed him a piece of the ice before looking out the window at the scenery.

"You know you can lie on my shoulder," said Gray.
"Thanks Gray." Soon after that, I fell asleep.

~2 hours later~

I woke up to see Gray. He was carrying me, bridal-style. When he noticed me looking at him, he simply smiled.
"You're awake," he exclaimed.
"Thanks Gray, you can put me down now."
"Oh, sorry."
"What are we doing for this job?"
"We just have to defeat a dark guild named Starlight Fire," Erza replied. We arrived at the guild.

"Look at this. It's Pairy Fail," mocked their master.
"It's Fairy Tail!" Natsu yelled.
"We've been expecting you."
"I'm all fired up!"
"Requip! Flight armour!"
"You get to choose. Surrender the easy way or die the hard way."
"We won't lose to the likes of you!" yelled someone in the guild.
"Jack, attack them," ordered Starlight Fire's master.
"Ocean dragon's roar!" (Jack)
"Ice make shield!"
"You'll need to try harder than that, dragon slayer."
"Natsu, you take him. The rest of us will defeat Starlight Fire."
"Ice make hammer!" (Gray)
"Open! Gate of the maiden! Virgo!"

Natsu's POV

"Fire dragon's brilliant flame!"
"Ocean dragon's wave attack!"

This guy sure is hard but not as good as Erza or (Y/n).

"Water against fire. I wonder whose going to win," he wondered.
"It's obviously gonna be me!"

(Y/n)'s POV

I suddenly smelt something strange. It was another dragon slayer. I turned around just in time to dodge the attack.

"I've always wanted to fight you and see who's stronger, desert rose," exclaimed Rebecca, the death dragon slayer. I used my aera magic to fly higher.
"Death dragon's roar!" I used my reflector to distort her attack.
"Death dragon's storm of darkness!" I used my reflector to distort that as well. "Aren't you going to attack?!" she asked angrily.
"I'm just resting."
"Oh really?...I bet you're ju-"
"Ice crystal dragon's blazing blizzard of death!" She dodged just in time.
"How dare yo-"

I punched her in the face and continuously used my combat skills to attack her.

"Death dragon's shield of power!"
"Earth make snake vines!"

The vines came up on her side of the shield and began to wrap around her body.
"Death dragon's wing attack!"

She then continuously started hitting me but I will never give up. I felt some new energy and realised that I had a new attack. I'll try it out.

"Elemental spiral of death and beauty!"

It was like my other maker magic spell but much stronger but it also took away lots of my magic energy. Rebecca was defeated but I felt myself falling. Someone caught me before I hit the ground. I felt myself falling into unconsciousness.

Gray's POV

I caught (Y/n) just before she hit the ground. She had just defeated that death dragon slayer. Erza, Natsu and Lucy had defeated the rest of the guild. We got our reward and headed to the train station.

~A few minutes later~

(Y/n) still hasn't woken up yet. I was beginning to get worried but didn't show it. Suddenly, her eyes slowly fluttered open.

(Y/n)'s POV

"G-Gray..." He pulled me into a tight hug.
"I'm glad you're awake," he exclaimed.
"Here's your part of the reward," said Erza.
"Oh no, I don't need it. I barely did anything." She shoved it into my hands.
"You defeated that dragon slayer. You deserve it."

We arrived at the guild but I went back to my apartment.

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