Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Omg! You look so beautiful!" Luc exclaimed.
"Thanks but not as pretty as you. I bet Natsu would ask you for this dance."
"*blushes* S-stop it."

I was wearing a white dress that gradually turns to ice blue and it had diamonds sewed into the fabric. The dress also had swirly designs on it (the designs were pretty, btw). Lucy had a sparkly sky blue dress that suited her really well. Erza was wearing a dark purple dress with stylised flower designs at the top and bottom.

~A few minutes later~

We went outside before getting on our carriage. Apparently the boys had already arrived. I sometimes do wonder how they can get ready so fast.

"What's wrong (Y/n)? You look nervous," said Lucy.
"I am. This is going to be my first time at a ball."

When we arrived, I looked calm on the outside but on the inside, I was a little worried. My palms were somewhat sweaty and my heartbeat was faster than usual.

~Inside the castle~

While we were walking, Natsu and Gray both stared at us with wide eyes and open mouths.

"Is there something on my face?" "Oh...uh, no," Gray replied while looking away.

We started to talk to each other until a minute later, when the dance was going to start. Maybe I should just sit this one out. I wasn't a very good dancer.

"It's now time to dance. Grab your partner and get on the dance floor!" exclaimed the host.
"May I have this dance?" Gray asked.

While we were dancing, Gray kept staring at me but I looked away whenever we made eye contact. He used his hand to lift my head up.

"You do know that you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," he said.

I could feel my cheeks heat up but he simply smirked when he saw my flustered face. I pouted and looked away from his gentle eyes.

Then he suddenly asked, "You're really good at dancing. Who taught you?"

That was when I remembered the last happy moment that I had with my parents before they were killed by Deliora. Tears welled up in my eyes against my will.

"I'm sorry. I-I have to go."

I ran out of the ballroom. I sat on the swing in the rose garden, silently crying, hoping that no one noticed that I was here.

"What's wrong?" Gray asked as soon as he caught up to me.
"I-I..." He wiped my tears away.
"It's okay. You don't have to tell me."
"No, I want to...The last happy moment I had with my parents was dancing before they were killed by Deliora." "Oh, I'm sorry...My parents...were also killed by Deliora."
"I'm sorry." He hugged me.
"I won't let anyone hurt you."

He started pushing me on the swing. I felt a warm feelinf spread throughout my body. What was he doing to me?...

"Let's start going back," he exclaimed.

~At the ballroom~

"Will you please follow me? I have something very important to tell you," said a waiter.

I started to follow him into a cosy, lounge room. Suddenly, lots of other perverted men appeared. I took a few steps back but the door was locked shut.

"Please don't do this to me."

All they did was smirk. Before they even took one step toward me, Gray destroyed the door and stood protectively in front of me.

"Ice make lance! Ice make cannon!"

And surprisingly, they were all down.

"Thanks Gray." But he only kissed me in return.
"I-I'm sorry," he said softly before rushing out.

~At the guild~

"You must be tired. You can go back home if you like," Erza said.

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