Chapter 12

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(Y/n)'s POV

~At the guild in the morning~

"(Y/n), I need to speak with you," exclaimed Makarov. I followed him into his office.
"I've decided to make you an S class wizard. You don't need to do the exam. Erza thinks that you might even be stronger than herself."
"Thank you."
"I've also decided to participate in the Grand Magic Games so that I can have the 30- I mean so that we can become the strongest guild in Fiore."
"Who are in the teams?"
"The team will be Erza, Gray, Natsu, Lucy and (Y/n). There will be no team B."
"Hey (Y/n), do you want to go train?" Natsu asked.

~On a field~

"Fire dragon's roar!"
"Ice make shield!"
"Fire dragon's brilliant flame!"

When the dust cleared, Natsu had a really surprised look on his face. I understand since I wasn't damaged at all, save for a few small scratches.

That was when he started to get serious and used some of his really powerful attacks on me. I simply dodged most of them. I got extra serious and that was probably even worse than Erza.

"Ice crystal dragon's blazing blizzard of death!" He was panting heavily from the force of the attack by the time it went away.
"I-I didn't know you were that strong," he exclaimed weakly.
"Shimmering light, reflection of purity...shining radiance of crystallised glaze!"
"I'm all healed...? I didn't know you could do that. Thanks."
"*smiles* You're welcome."

I taught him useful combat techniques and helped him improve his strength. I can say without a doubt that he was a fast learner.

"If you keep training hard, you may be able to win every battle you have."
"Thanks for helping," he replied with a cheeky grin.

~At the guild~

"Hey, guess what everyone! (Y/n) taught me lots of combat techniques and I've gotten much stronger. I bet I could take on all of you at once," Natsu boasted.
"I doubt that," Gray said halfheartedly.
"I won't be beat by the likes of you, Salamander," added Gajeel.

Soon after, they started fighting as usual and continued to wreck the place. All this time, I was staring at Gray, wondering why he kept distracting me. Suddenly, he started walking towards me. I tried to remain calm.

"Hey (Y/n), can you come with me for a sec?"

I simply nodded and followed him. We arrived at a park with lots of cherry blossoms that were in bloom. It was a beautiful night. Gray got out an ice bracelet with a heart charm attached to the chain and put it on my wrist.

"You are the most amazing girl I've met. Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I've had this strange feeling in my chest. I love you. W-will you be my girlfriend? I will protect you for as long as I live," he exclaimed seriously.

I could feel my cheeks heat up to the darkest shade of red. My heart was pounding ferociously in my chest as I answered his question.

"I-I love you too, Gray."

He smiled like he was the most happiest person in the world before embracing me. After a while, he started to take me home.

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