Chapter 4

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(Y/n)'s POV

The sound of screams and evil laughter filled my ears. I ran to where all the commotion was and noticed a gang of thieves. I stepped out from the crowd.

"Stop what you're doing or you'll regret it."
"Oh, look at what we have here. A little girl being all heroic," a thief exclaimed.
"Ice crystal dragon's roar!"

When the dust was gone, some of them were unconscious but still half of them remained. I cursed under my breath for not being strong enough.

"Ice make lightning daggers! Fire make flaming Phoenix! Water make boundary push!"

All of the thieves were knocked out but still one remained...their leader.

"Ice crystal dragon's talon!"
"You're gonna have to do better than that, little girl," he said with a large grin on his face.

I used my reflector to distort his clothes while preparing for an attack.

"Forbidden Rose: Combination Spiral!"

Their leader laid on the ground, unconscious and defeated. But almost the whole village got destroyed due to my inability to control the spell properly.

"Monster!" a woman screamed.

That was when the villagers started throwing rocks and other projectiles at me.

"You were part of their gang! You all planned this! They risked getting hurt so that you could destroy the town!" they yelled.
"No, please! I was trying to help you."

I immediately started running until they were out of sight. Why do they hate me? I did nothing wrong...After a while of sobbing and wondering, I set off to travel to the next town.

~1 day later~

I just arrived in a nice, cosy village when...

"It's her! The monster! There has been a rumour that she uses all kinds of magic and has set out to kill us all!" someone yelled.
"No, that's not true. Please let me explain."
"Watch out! She's just trying to lure you in!"

Without giving me a chance to explain, everyone started attacking me with their magic and I was starting to get hurt again. I quickly ran away until they were out of sight. Will the next town be like this? Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? After all this thinking, I fell asleep.

~In the morning~

I am walking towards the next town, hoping it'll end better than the last two. It's better to be hopeful than frightened, right?

~A few minutes later~

This town is bigger than the other two but it somehow seems more lonely.

"It's her! The monster! She'll kill us all!" a man exclaimed.

Here it goes again....I ran again until I was sure they had stopped chasing me, but only after I stole a piece of bread. I need to learn how to survive. I made a little camp fire in the forest and made a bed out of leaves. After a few minutes, I fell asleep.

A/N - I might not be doing any fairy tail arcs (eg. Edolas, S class exam, etc) but I might if I feel like it.

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