Forgotten Flowers •8•

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I finally finished the plot for this story! From what I came up with, I know y'all are going to love it. Enjoy! :D


Dan P.O.V.

"Mum! She has a girlfriend." I say, crying into my mum's shoulder.

"I know, I can see what you see." She says, rubbing my back.

"It just hurts me that I can't be there for her." I stop crying, and I just feel a ping of pain in my heart. Dandelion and Nicole remind me of Phil and I.

Nicole is all into pastels, and Dandy is like Phil. But when they're together they're a perfect harmony.

"You are there for her. You're just there in a different way. She can feel you, Dan. They can feel you. You make Phil and Dandelion's flat colder with your presence. Actually, there is a myth that I know of that no one has tried." My mum says.

"What? What's the myth?" I ask curiously. Even though no one has tried it doesn't mean I can't.

"The myth is that if you go into the mortal world with Phil and Dandy, if you come in contact with objects such as doors and things and make them notice, that can notice just enough for you to come mortal again. But, there's a catch. If you don't get their attention enough in a month, you'll be forgotten. In Heaven, Earth, everywhere. You also have to be in the Lester's thoughts." My mum states.

"I'll do it. I want to try to be back with my family," I take a deep breath, "even if it means I will be forgotten." I say.

"Daniel Howell,"

"Lester." I correct.

"Daniel Lester, I know you can do this. I will be looking over you and keeping you safe." My mum says, a hopeful smile present on her face.

"Thank you, mum. I'll be back through out the month." I say, proudly. I transfer back into a "ghost" and now which I'm going to be a "poltergeist", and go back to Earth.

Let's get this month started.

Dandelion P.O.V.

I'm on my bed doing my algebra homework and I'm so frustrated.

"Dad! What's 2x + 6 = 16?" I yell.

"It's x = 5! It's easy, get help at school if you're stuck on that!" My dad yells from the kitchen.

I rather fail then have to get a math tutor. I put my homework away for the night and while I'm turning my light off, my water bottle falls off my night stand.

"What the hell? That was no where near falling." I say, going to pick up the bottle.

I settle the water bottle back on my night stand when my music starts playing. Why is it Photograph? I don't even remember downloading that song.

This just got really weird.

"Dad? Do you believe in poltergeists or ghosts in general?" I ask.

"Not really, but I'm not denying their existence because I've never seen one. Why do you ask?" He asks, stirring the tomato sauce for our dinner.

"Well, I was doing my homework, and while I was walking out of my room to help you with dinner, and my water bottle flew off my night stand and it wasn't even near the edge of it. Also, when I put the water bottle back on there, my music started playing, and it played Photograph. I don't even remember downloading that song!" I exclaim, panicking more than I did when it happened.

"Dandelion, calm down please. The water bottle probably fell because you walked by it. Was it empty?" He asks.

"Yes, but me walking by it couldn't have made it fall that violently." I say.

"I'm going to stick with my opinion. And with the radio, you probably accidentally pressed a button on your phone to play your music. I downloaded Photograph for Dan and I's wedding, it probably synced onto your phone. It's all okay, Dandy." Dad says.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm probably just overacting. The shock of the water bottle falling probably made it look more violent than it did. My phone was on my bed though, and still is, but my phone plays music all the time and i didn't turn it on. I was probably still shocked from the water bottle." I say, I'm still kind of suspicious, but it kind of makes sense what dad is saying.

"Great, I'm glad you realized what probably happened rather than freaking out. Now, put out our plates because it's pasta night!" Dad exclaims and I clap my hands.

Dan P.O.V.

Are you kidding me, Phil? You didn't get the hint with Photograph? Wow, this is going to be harder than I thought.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

QOTC: To commemorate the passed Halloween season, what's your favorite candy(ies)?
AOTC: Trolli Sour Gummy Worms, Kit Kats, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups!

I'll see you all next time, bye!

Forgotten Flowers (A Sequel to "Do Opposites Attract?")Where stories live. Discover now