Forgotten Flowers •14•

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Nicole P.O.V.

My goal is get Dandelion back. She was everything to me. That night, when I was with Chad, I had no clue what I was doing. I feel like I was way too deep in the party atmosphere and I said I was with Chad. That morning, I broke up with him immediately, and Dandelion still doesn't believe me.

Everyday for this week, I'm going to try and do the most romantic gestures that I can so I can try and get Dandelion back. I know, I'm just a little 14 year old, but who I love now is who I want to get back. Now.

Dandelion P.O.V.

I will admit, I was extremely guilty after seeing her face. She's broken. I'm broken. We're a broken toy that can't be happy and work until it's fixed. But what if we can't be fixed? What if we tried again and she pulled this again?

She broke my heart in ways that I never knew it could break.

Dan P.O.V.

I'm fading away, I haven't been on Dandy's mind much this weekend. I've only had one beep so far and that's been from Phil thinking of me when he saw some tulips on a street corner. I think I should do something.

After a bit of thinking, I should write a note. I have the ability to hold things so why not?

"Dearest Phil,

This may sound crazy but it's me, Dan. I know that you know about the plan to get me back alive as Dandelion has hinted it to you at least a million times.

My coming back date, if it happens, will be Christmas. December 25. It's currently December 21. If you and Dandelion keep me in your minds just enough these next few days I will be back just in time for Christmas.

Please do this, my love. I want to be in you and Dandelion's beautiful lives again.

I love you so much, my tattooed knight.


I put it in a picture frame where a picture very near and dear to my heart is held. Our wedding picture.

Phil P.O.V.

I wake up in the morning and something seems out of place. I look around my room and see a note in the picture frame. I pick it up and see who it's signed off by. Dan. No way is this true.

After reading it, I can tell it's Dan. My Dan. My beautiful husband. He's going to come back. He's coming back! I'll get to hold the love of my life in my arms again just like we did when we first started dating.

My only question is, will Dandy even try?

Dandelion P.O.V.

I go into school today, looking as nice as I did yesterday, and when I walked into the classroom Nicole has laid out my school books for me, laid a blanket on my seat, and left me some home cooked snickerdoodle cookies. Still warm and chewy. She sat next to my seat looking as nice as I do.

"Nicole, why did you do this?" I ask, still flabbergasted by her act of kindness.

"If I'm not going to get you back easily, then I'm going to have to do it the hard way. Show you all the things that make you beautiful and why I want you to be my girlfriend. Please. Come to the forest tonight." She says, talking about my Dad's previous hide out.

"I will. Ok? I will. Thank you for this though. Snickerdoodles are my favorite." I say.

"I know, you told me before and I remembered." She says, walking away. I smirk. This girl is really trying to get me back.

It's now 7:30. The time Nicole told me to go to the forest.

I get to the beginning of the path and see her standing there better than she did earlier. She looks.. Gorgeous.

"Hello, beautiful." Nicole says.

"Hi. You look great, Nicole."

"Thank you, love. Come on." She says, holding her hand out to mine.

I felt a warm hand intertwine with mine.

"I don't want you to be cold." Nicole said with her beautiful smile.

Five minutes more of walking, and never once taking our hands apart, we reached our destination.

"Woah." I said.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She asks.

"Gorgeous." I reply.

She took the fairy lights from her picnic basket and strung them across the tree branches.

We sat on the bench that my father had put there long ago.

"Listen Dandelion. I love you. I love you with every fibre of my being and I never want to let you go. Your brown and blue eyes sparkle so beautifully in this light and I see us. Our future in them. Your hands, your lips, are so soft, so welcoming and I just want to hold you until we depart to somewhere grander than this. Dandelion Lester, I love you so much. Please be my girlfriend." She says.

I immediately take her by the waist and bring her lips to mine. Not regretting my decision at all. We sit there for what felt like hours but in reality was only a minute.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend, Nicole. I love you so much and I missed you immensely." I say, kissing her quickly once more.

I thought of Daddy Dan and Dad. They must've been so happy here.

Dan P.O.V.

I hear one beep. One beep different from all the others. An intercom beep.

"Pack your bags, honey. You made it. You're going home."


IM SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!! I've had such writers block so it's taken me quite a bit to think of ideas.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I left it at quite a cliffhanger.

QOTC: Are you happy Dandelion and Nicole got back together?
AOTC: Yes! I love them together and I honestly hated those two chapters where they hated each other.

See you all in the next chapter!

Forgotten Flowers (A Sequel to "Do Opposites Attract?")Where stories live. Discover now