Forgotten Flowers •12•

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Enjoy! :D

Lots of P.O.V. Changes in this one!


Dan P.O.V.

Today was a milestone. I can finally come in contact with humans!

When I get enough beeps knowing that someone is thinking about me, I get little milestones like I just received.

I also noticed that I have a week left to get noticed by Phil and Dandelion. It's currently December 18 and I have until December 25 or Christmas.

I can do this.

Dandelion P.O.V.

"Ok students, I know winter break is coming up soon, but that doesn't mean you can't work over the break. You've been assigned a project that's been sent through the mail to your parents so you cannot hide it."

This is the fourth time I heard that today. Four projects have to be done at the end of the two weeks.

"Anyways students, have a great break! You've been dismissed." Our English teacher says.

"Yeah, so much fun." I say under my breath as Nicole comes up to my side.

"Lion, all will be ok. I have to go, I love you. We'll hang out over the break, I promise." She says in a rush and kisses me on the cheek. Why was she in such a rush?

When I got home I went straight to my room to start doing my projects. My dad won't let me hang out with Nicole unless my projects are done.

Seven hours later, it's nine o'clock and two of my projects are done. I give myself a reward by getting a brownie from the kitchen and having a little search through my friends' SnapChat stories considering there was a big Christmas party tonight at Annalise's.

I'd looked through everyone's story but with Nicole's being updated regularly, I was scared.

I click on her name and the first thing I see is a video of her dancing. In Annalise's house.

She lied to me, she said she wasn't going to party.

I go to the next her next Snap and it's just a picture. A picture that makes my heart shatter and phone fall out of my hands. I fell to floor and started to cry.

How could she?

Dan P.O.V.

A picture. A picture of Nicole and a boy. Kissing. The caption says "I love him so much".

My baby.

Phil P.O.V.

I hear a loud noise coming from the kitchen and I figure that Dandy just dropped something but I decide to check on her anyway.

When I go to the kitchen, I see her phone cracked and her face tear stained.

"Dandelion, what happened?!" I ask nervously.

"D-dad, Nicole sh-she ch-cheated on m-me with a b-boy." She manages to say through fits of tears. I take her hands and hold them in mine and I kiss the top of her head.

"Oh, little lion, she doesn't deserve you. You're the most beautiful, intelligent, and insightful young lady that I know. You are also super strong and I know that you can make it through this. I know you probably thought that this was true love but honey, it's really not." I say trying to comfort her as much as I can.

"Why don't you get some sleep?" I suggest and she stands up and picks up her cracked phone. It still works, the screen is just cracked.

"Goodnight Dad, I love you." Dandelion says, giving me a tight hug.

"I love you too, little lion. Goodnight." She walks off to her room and when the door closes I hear her start talking to someone or something. I'll find out in the morning.

Nicole P.O.V. (Ooh new one)

I was standing there with my boyfriend Chad, his hand around my waist and my hand on top of his.

I hear my phone go off and it's a video text message from Dandelion. Oh no, I completely forgot she had SnapChat!

"Babe, I need to run to the ladies room really quick. Miss me when I'm gone?" I ask.

"Of course, baby. Love you." Chad says and I blow him a kiss.

I open up her video and her face is tear stained and her hair is messed up. Her make up is running down her face. She's a mess.

"How could you? How could you do this to me? I've lost someone extremely important to me in the course of my life and now you're just another one?! What the fuck went through your head that made you think it was ok to cheat? I trusted you, I loved you, and I thought you loved me too but I guess I'm just a piece of side candy that you can just pick on whenever you get needy. I guess I was just your bit of fun, your tester to see if you were straight or not. I can't believe I actually trusted you and thought you were an amazing person. Hell, was I wrong. Go back to your boyfriend Nicole because we're over." She cries as the video ends.

I can't help but feel the tears streaming down my face as well. I did love her, but I love Chad as well.

Why did I cheat?

Dan P.O.V.

I walk into Dandelion's room while she's crying and to test my human interaction, I give her s hug and hold her tight. She lifts her arm and wraps it around mine.

"Thank you, Dad. I love you. I'll make sure you come back."


This chapter was quite an emotional plot twist!

QOTC: What's your favorite song on Blue Neighbourhood? Or your favorite song in general if you don't like Troye Sivan?

AOTC: probably "Cool", I love the beat of that song.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all next time! Bye!

Forgotten Flowers (A Sequel to "Do Opposites Attract?")Where stories live. Discover now