Forgotten Flowers •6•

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Enjoy! :D


Dan P.O.V.

Since I found the joys of being on Earth again, I hung out with Dandelion and Phil a lot. Of course, I know I didn't have any contact with them and I only made their flat colder, but I felt like we were a family again.

I sat with them at dinner, I laid in Phil's bed at night, I watched movies with them on movie night and I cuddled up to Phil as close as I could so I didn't give him the shivers. I loved being back with my family and my soulmate, but I hated the boundary that held us apart.

I was currently watching Dandelion and Phil play a game of Monopoly, Dandy currently winning.

"Ha! Take that, Dad! I bought a hotel!" Dandy yells, jumping up and doing a victory dance.

"Yeah, yeah, you seem to forget that I'm your father and I can take your phone, Internet, or your speakers away any second." Phil says, being the sore loser he is.

"You forgot my flower crowns! Ha!" She yells.

"I would never take away your flower crowns, you got that from Daddy Dan and I would never take your connection with him away." Phil says, and I feel like a teenager who just got kissed by their crush. Lovestruck. Probably for the millionth time.

"Phil, I can't believe you still keep Dandy and I's relationship strong in your household. Thank you, Phil. I love you so so much." I whisper.

"This damn heating system. It's so cold now a days." Phil says, rolling his eyes.

Dandy just focuses on the game of Monopoly.

"Lion, you should go to bed. Tomorrow is a school day." Phil says. Dandy had a week off of school, so I'm excited to see her day at school.

"Okay, goodnight Dad. Love you." Dandy says.

"Goodnight, I love you too." Phil says, kissing the top of her head. And like any night, I fall asleep with Phil by my side.

"School day! School day! Get up Dandelion!" I yell, from Phil's bedroom.

"It's so damn cold in this flat. Why is the landlord so cheap?" Phil mumbles, putting on his glasses. How I missed his morning voice.

"Wake up, Lion!" Phil yells, and I hear Dandelion groan from her room. Of course she doesn't want to go to school, I didn't want to either when I was her age.

Eventually Dandelion gets ready, and I eat breakfast as normal, and I hop onto the bus with Dandelion, preparing for a fun day ahead.

"Lion!" I hear a girl yell. Oh right, it's Nicole, the girl who asked my baby girl to homecoming.

"Hi, Nikki-Chan. How was your week off?" Dandelion asks with her calm voice.

"Lovely! My family and I went camping. Yet the three days without WiFi was horrendous." Nicole says.

"Well my flat is strangely cold, I beat my dad at Monopoly, and you asked me to homecoming so quite an interesting break if I shall say so myself." Dandelion says. She got her sarcasm from me for sure.

Nicole and Dandy conclude their conversation and head to class. Throughout Dandelion's first class, I noticed she doesn't do very well. She doesn't answer questions, and she's getting low grades on all her tests. I was disappointed in that moment.

Though, one class she succeeded in, was Language Arts. They're currently learning poetry-ironic I know-and Dandelion is doing very well. I know Phil has shown her some of my poetry, but I didn't know she'd be so successful at it.

I feel like Dandelion is an ambivert. She's very lighthearted and outgoing around her friends and the people she loves, but around people she's just very shy. I noticed this through her day at school. Though on the first day, when I saw her stand up to Annalise, I was proud of how she came out of her she'll and stood up for herself.

I would say Dandelion definitely is a combination of Phil and I.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm going to start doing Question of the Chapter with every chapter so here is the first one.

QOTC: Who are some of your favorite YouTubers?
AOTC: Mine would have to be Dan and Phil, Joey Graceffa, ThatcherJoe, and Pewdiepie.

I hope you enjoy this new segment! I'll see you all next time, bye! *^_^*

Forgotten Flowers (A Sequel to "Do Opposites Attract?")Where stories live. Discover now