Chapter 3: The Bet

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|Briana's P.O.V|

Chris and I spend the entire class talking, not even paying attention to anything Dr. Johnson was saying.

The bell rung and Chris walked me to my next class. He wasn't it that class with me so we went our separate ways. Since Chris was my only friend in the whole school, I had no one to talk to, so I decided to make a new friend.

I sat down by a light skinned girl, who looked kinda like Chris.

"Hi! I'm Christina!" She said.

"Briana. Nice to meet you!" I said back to her.

"Okay, class. I'm your history teacher, Ms. Wilson!"

Ms. Wilson was really pretty, she was dark skinned with short black hair. I thought all my teachers were going to old and wrinkled, but she was really young, maybe in her mid-twenties.

She said since it was the first week of school, we weren't going to learn about history until next week. This week we were going to do some stuff to get to know each other better.

Christina and I became really close friends, but I had to say goodbye to my friend when it was lunchtime. I walked out the classroom, going to my locker, but then I saw Chris at his locker. I ran over to him and jump on his back.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." He said, closing his locker with me still on his back.

"Can you take me to the lunchroom?"

"On my back?" He questioned.

"Yep." I said popping the 'P'.

"Nope." He said popping the 'P' just like I did.

"Pwease." I said pouting.





"Okay." He said finally giving in, throwing his hands up in defeat.

He walked down the hallway with me on his back. People were staring but I didn't care. When we got to the lunchroom, he put me down and stood with me in line while I got my food. After we got our food, we were going to a table. Chris wanted me to sit at the table with him and his friends, but I told him no.

I went searching for a table to sit at, then I saw Christina sitting at a table with 3 other girls, and I decided to go sit with them.

"Hey Briana!" Christina said when she saw me coming toward her table.

"Hey Christina! Can I sit here with y'all?"

"Yeah, girl. Go ahead!" One of the girls said. She seemed like she was the loudest one of them. I sat down and the loud one introduced me to everyone at the table. "I'm Kenaysha, this is Navoni." She said pointing to her. "You already met Christina, this is her twin sister Christen, they have a stupid ass brother somewhere in here." She said looking around for Christen and Christina's brother.

|Chris' P.O.V|

I got up from my seat and started walking around to see where Briana sat. Then I saw her sitting with Christen, Christina, Navoni, and Kenaysha. Oh God...

I walked over to their table. "Hey. I see you met my sisters." Isaid looking directly at Briana.

Her eyes got wide and I could tell see was shocked by what I just said. ''I knew it! I knew it!" She screamed. "I thought it was just a coincidence that y'all just alike!''


I talked to them for a while then went back to my seat, leaving them alone.

|Briana's P.O.V|

Christen, Christina, Navoni, Kenaysha, and I all exchanged numbers at the end of lunch. I went to my last class of the day, which I had with Navoni and Christen.

School was over and Chris was waiting for me outside the school. When everyone left, we stayed after school and talked for almost a hour until my mom called, interrupting us.

"Hello?'' I answered.

"Bri, where are you? You're late."

"It's okay mom, I just stayed after school with a friend."

"Okay, just hurry up."

"Okay, bye." I said then hung up.

"Chris, I gotta go. Mom is worried."

"Alright, I'll see you later. Call me." He said handing me a piece of paper with his name on it. I smiled and got in my car as he got in his.

I drove home and opened the door, only to see my mom sitting on the couch watching t.v.

"How was your first day?" She asked not taking her eyes of the t.v.

"It was okay."

"Just okay? Sit down I want you to tell me every single detail." She said patting the couch for me to sit next to her. I sat down and did as I was told, I told her every single detail.


When I finished telling her everything that happened at school, I went upstairs to my room and called Christen.

"Hello?" I heard someone say, but it wasn't Christen. I checked my phone to see if I had called the wrong number, but I didn't

"Get the hell of my phone, Chris!" I hear some one say in the background. "Hello?" They said to me.

"Hey, it's me, Briana."

"Oh. Sorry about my jackass brother. I don't know why he keeps answering my phone!"

"It's okay. I thought it was kinda cute."

"Yoy like him, don't you?" She question.

"What? No, I don't like Chris!" I lied. I really do like Chris.

"I wouldn't blame you if you did, all the girls at school like him. I don't know why though."

"Of course you don't know why, that's your brother." I laughed.

"Let's make a bet."

"Okay, what?"

"I bet 20 dollars that you can't get Chris to be your boyfriend."

"Bet!" I said confident that I could win.

"Bet! But I gotta go, I'll talk to you later. Bye!"

"Bye" I said then hung up.

I hope I can win this bet because I really do want Chris to be my boyfriend, I just had to make a plan to get him.


Christen and Christina on the side >>>

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