Chapter 6: The Date

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|Briana's P.O.V|

Today was the day of Chris and I's date. It was 9:03 am, and I had nothing to do. I went downstairs and made a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. Since mama was late for work this morning, she didn't have time to cook breakfast, and I didn't feel like cooking.

I ate my sandwich and called Navoni. We talked for about 3 hours, until she had to go. I hung up and drifted off into a deep sleep.

|Chris's P.O.V|

Today was the day of our first date, so I got up early, to set everything up. First, I needed a place for us to go. Then I thought, my parents own a warehouse, where they used to go to get away from Christen, Christina, and I. We would always go to the babysitter, while they went there and had their dates. I got in my car and drove of to the warehouse.

It was old, but still clean, mama comes here and clean it up, even though her and dad weren't together anymore.

It set up everything, then took a step back to look at everything I've done. Briana is going to love this, I can just feel it.

|Briana's P.O.V|

"Hey!" I heard a voice say.

"Who are you? Where are you?" I questioned.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be okay. Worry about yourself." I heard the voice reply to me.

"Wait..!" I said, then woke up from my dream in a cold sweat. It was 2:48, the time was going by so slow, I was just ready to go on my date with Chris. I called Kenaysha, but I got no answer.

Since I had nothing else to do I got on twitter.

@Brianaa_x3: Can't wait for tonight!

I exited twitter and pulled a book of the shelf in my closet. The book was called Being The Girlfriend Of A Thug. It was so good, I read until it was 5:31, then I got in the shower, and got ready for our date. I curled my hair, to make it look fuller than the curls I all ready had. I put on a little bit of make-up, since I don't wear it that much. I put on my dress and went back in my room. I saw that I had a text from Chris.

Chris: I can't pick you up, but I have a surprise for you outside ;)

Briana: ...Okay...

I walked out my front door and exactly like Chris said, he wasn't there, but a long black limo was.

Briana: How the hell did you afford a limo!?

Chris: I know people. I'll see you there.

I smiled and got in the limo. We arrived at a place and the driver opened the door for me to get out.

"Enjoy your evening, ma'am."

"Thank you, you too!"

I wasn't sure what to think since this was just a warehouse. I wasn't sure if this was the place I was supposed to be at. I walked in and immediately saw candles and roses everywhere. I walked up to the table that was on the other side of the room and there was a note.

Hey beautiful, turn to your right and follow the petals until you see one of your surprises. -Chris

I smiled at thought of what the surprise might be. I turned to my right, just like the letter instructed. I followed the red and white rose petals and when the trail ended, I looked up to see table with a white tablecloth and flowers. I sat down at the table and there was another note from Chris.

Surprise number 1. -Chris

I smiled at the note, then looked up and see Chris walking over to the table.

"Do you like it?"

"Love it!" I smiled as we ate our food and having small conversations in between eating.

"Come on, I want to show you something." He said reaching out his hand for me to grab and I did. He led me out the back door of the warehouse, he stopped in his tracks and looked at me

"You wanna do this?"


"Come on, it'll be fun." He said as he started to take off his clothes.

"Ugh, okay!" I said giving in and taking my clothes off. When Chris was in nothing but his boxers, I couldn't help but stare.


"Yep!" I said then out of nowhere, he picked me up bridal style, and ran towards the water then jumped in with me in his arms. Still in his arms, we were both still underwater. Then he did something that I'll have to mark off my 'list of things I want to do before I die'.

>Kiss underwater


Chris and I dried our wet bodies with some towels that he brought.

"So you planned to have me in the water?"

"Yep! That was surprise number 2." He said with a smirk, walking away. I trail right behind him as he led me to the limo.

"I don't wanna leave yet." I said with a pouty face. He smiled and helped me in the limo.

"Ready for surprise number 3?"

"Yes!" I smiled as he leaned in closer to me and kissed me. He bit my lip asking for entrance and I let him. I moaned in the kiss as our tongues danced with each other. We both pulled away and looked at each other.

"WOW! That was.... something!"

The conversation grew silent, but then I spoke.



"Can you hold me, please?"

He scooted closer to me and began to cuddle and hold me.

"Who gave you a back eye?" I asked out of nowhere, even though I already knew the answer.

"Nobody." He said looking away from me.

"Please tell me."

|Chris' P.O.V|

"Nobody." I said looking away from her.

"Please tell me."

"Okay. It was a bunch of guys, but I only know two of their names. Dwayne and Reggie, they told me to stay away from you. I'm assuming that they're your exes."

"Dwayne is."

"Well, as long as they don't touch you, I'm fine."

I pecked her lips, as she fell asleep. The driver arrived at her house, and she was knocked out.


No answer.


No answer.


No answer. I shook my head and reached in her purse and pulled out her house keys. I picked her up, walked to her door and opened it, than put her in a bed in a roomed that looked like hers. Luckily, her mom was asleep when I brought her in. I kissed her on the forehead and walked out.

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