Chapter 21: Oh. My. Gosh.

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|Briana P.O.V|

Since Chris wants to be an asshole and ignore me, I'm going to do exactly what he doesn't want me to do.

Go to Reggie's house.

As I'm walking out the door, I see Chris giving me a death glare out the corner of my eye.

"Problem?" I turned to him. He turned his head away from me. ''Stubborn ass." I mumbled as I closed the door behind me.

I got in my car and drove to the address Reggie gave me before. I got out my car and knocked on the door. He opened.

He was shirtless with a white bandage wrapped around his abdomen and his face was badly bruised.

"Hey.'' I said.


"Are you gonna let me in?"

He let me in his house without saying a word. It was really nice inside.

I want to ask him what happened to him, but I don't wanna seem too nosey.

"So..." I dragged. There's nothing to talk about.

"You can ask, I know you want to.''

"What?" I pretended as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

"You want to ask me what happened."

"Okay, so what happened?"

"Your man.'' He said. I hope he was talking about another man. But there was no other man in my life, so I knew he was talking about Chris.

"Chris did this to you?"

He nodded. "He broke 3 of my ribs.''

"Uh... Reggie, I'll talk to you later. I got something I need to handle."


I got home and stormed in the house. Chris was sitting on the couch.

"Chris, why the hell would you fight him?"

|Chris P.O.V|

Briana walked in and looked at me.

"Chris, why the hell would you fight him?" She yelled.

"Shit.." I mumbled. "I did it for you," I stood up, "I don't want him to fuck up our relationship."

"Chris, you broke 3 of his ribs!"

"So? He was going to break us apart, so I did what I had to do!"

"No, you're breaking us apart." She walked away.

"Briana," I called. "Briana." I called again when I didn't get a response the first time.

I walked upstairs and heard her on the phone.

"I'm sorry he did this to you... no... I don't know, I just need to relax for the sake of my baby... yeah... okay, bye."

When she saw me, she rolled he eyes and changed her clothes.

She grabbed her car keys. "Let's go."

As I went downstairs, I heard a knock at the door.

I went to open it.

"Surprise!" She screamed.

I was completely lost for words as she stood there smiling.

|Dwayne P.O.V|

"Babe, I'm fat." Kenaysha said looking in the mirror.

"You're pregnant."

"I know, but I feel like I'm having twins."

If we are having twins, I'd flip. I'm not even ready to be a father yet, I'm damn sure not ready to be a father of 2 yet.

|Briana P.O.V|

"Chris, hurry up!'' I screamed. We were about to find out the sex.

I'm still mad at him though. Who in their right mind breaks someone's
ribs and says it was for their child.

I went downstairs to see who Chris was talking to at the door.




I stopped dead on my tracks to see someone I haven't seen in forever.

She screamed. "You pregnant?!" I nodded. She ran up to hug me. "When did you wake up?"

"About 2 months ago."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't be there... I was busy." She looked nervous. "Anyway, where y'all going?"

"To find out the sex."

"Ooo, I wanna come." She cooed.

"Come on." We got in the car and drove to find out the sex of my baby.

I was surprised to see her, no one knew where she was at. But, now that she's here I'm happy because I missed



"Congratulations, you two are having a...

|Christina P.O.V|

I know they want to know where I was, but I can't tell them. They'd flip. So I'll just keep it to myself.

Chris and Briana walked to me, smiling from ear to ear.

"What are y'all smiling for?"

"We're having a boy!"



|Briana P.O.V|

"Chris," I whispered in his ear as he slept. He groaned and turned over, his back now facing me. "Chris," I whispered again only louder this time.

"What?" He groaned.

"I'm n-" I was cut off by the sound of his snores.

I'll just tell him in the morning.


I woke to the smell if food. I love food, and since I'm pregnant I love it even more than I did before.

I did my hygiene stuff and went downstairs to see Chris, shirtless with a big plate of food. He handed me the plate.

"Thank you, baby!" I kissed his lips and sat on the couch. Minutes later, he came and sat by me.

"What you had to tell me last night?"

"I'm not putting the baby up for adoption."

I never saw Chris' mood change so fast. He jumped on me, almost making me drop my food, and planted kisses all over me.

"Chris get off!"

He climbed off of me and went back to eating his food and I went back to mine. I kept looking at him from the corner of my eye, only to see a big ass smile.

|Kenaysha P.O.V|

I still can't believe that I'm six months pregnant. Dwayne started acting weird ever since I told him I was fat. I don't think he's ready for the baby...


What do you think Christina was?





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