Chapter 15: Without Briana

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|Chris' P.O.V|

It's all my fault. She's gonna hate me.

It's been 3 hours and the doctors didn't tell us nothing yet.

My heart feels like its about to beat out of my chest as the doctor comes to us.

"Right now, Briana's in a coma. A person in her condition would be dead, but the child she's carrying saved her life. And the baby looks healthy." He handed me a sonogram picture.


"Briana's pregnant. Congratulations!" He smiled then walked off.

Briana's pregnant.

|Navoni P.O.V|

The doctor just told us. I can't believe my best friend's pregnant.

And I can't believe she's in a coma.

Comas can last days or years, but I hope Briana's not in a coma for long. For the sake of her, Chris, and the baby.

And me, I don't know what I'd do without my best friend. And without Briana, only God know what Chris would do. He loves that girl more than anything.

|Kenaysha P.O.V|

I'm so happy Dwayne believed me when I told him it was his baby. Of course, he wouldn't let me leave this damn house.

I want a girl and Dwayne wants a boy. I have a feeling we're going to have a boy though.

Whatever the sex is, I'll still love it no matter what.

|Christen P.O.V|

Rushing into the hospital, Christina and I saw Chris and Navoni looking sad, especially Chris. We went to them and sat down. I heard Chris mumble something while looking at something in his hand, but I didn't really pay it any attention.

After a few minutes of silence, Chris mumbled again. Christina and I exchanged looks, then we both looked at Navoni.

"I'll tell you later." She mouthed to us. I nodded and looked back at Chris.

I've never seen him like this before. I hope Briana is okay because I don't want to continue to see Chris like this. Chris can do some really stupid stuff sometimes when someone's not right by his side through everything. Right now, Briana's the only one who can be by his side. If she doesn't make it, none of us will ever be the same.

|Briana P.O.V|

I've been trying to open my eyes for forever! They won't open. I don't know where I am, but all I see is black. I can hear and I hear two people talking about someone being pregnant. Then they say something about one person at a time because she's in a coma. Who is she?

They walk out a door and later someone else walks back in. I hear them crying.

"Hey, Briana, I know you can't hear me right now, but everything's alright." They spoke.

It was Chris. I had never heard him cry before.

He grabbed my right hand and placed something in my left hand.

"You're pregnant...''

What?! I can't be pregnant, this is a mistake! Chris always used a condom when we had sex.

Wait... did he use a condom the last time?

"The doctor said the baby saved your life. If you weren't pregnant, you'd be dead..." He whispered the last part about me being dead. "I know you hate me because you're in this position because of me. Its all my fault. When you wake up, I hope you can forgive me for endangering your life and our child's life and for cheating on you. You are my everything, without you, I'd do some stupid shit. I love you." He placed a kiss on my forehead then walked away.

It's not his fault. None of this. I can forgive him and trust him again, but I have to know when the time is right. I'll feel it in my heart.

|Chris P.O.V|

The doctor came out and said that we could go in and she her, but only one at a time. I told Navoni that she should go, but her, Christen, and Christina said that I should go.

I didn't want to go. Seeing her lying in a hospital bed helplessly because of me. I walked in and saw her hooked up to a bunch of machines and I broke down.


I talked to her then walked out.

Hours Later

Christen, Christina, and Navoni talked to Briana then left. I will not leave this hospital until she wakes up. My mama texted me, she said her and Briana's mama will be here tomorrow. And she said she has to have a talk with me. I don't know what that means, but I don't really care. I only care about Briana right now.

|Briana P.O.V|

I still can't open my eyes or move. Everyone came and talked to me except mama and Chris' mama. Chris came back in, he said something, but I wasn't listening.

Then out of nowhere, I hear a voice. It wasn't Chris. It's been so long since I've heard that voice.


"Hey Princess!" He appeared.

"Daddy!" I wanted to run and hug him but I couldn't move. "Am I dead?"

He laughed. "No, you're in a coma. I have something to tell you though."

"What is it?" I questioned.

"It's about Chris. You have to forgive him for cheating on you."

"I want to, but I want to wait to wait until the time's right." I stated.

"The right time is near, but you can't let that time pass you. If you do, you'll never get the chance to be happy with him." He spoke. "Trust me, Princess. If you do this, everything will work out fine... Oh, and congratulations on the baby!" He started to disappear.

"I love you, daddy!"

"I love you, too"

I'm such a daddy's girl.

I thought about what my daddy told me.
I thought about it long and hard.





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